Who is god

The only god I belive in is the sun.

Answer #1

God is not a person; it is your life source and all that is all around you, the birds, trees, mountains the Planets and yes the Sun. It is all God, the force; life itself in any form,including yourself is all part of God.

Think talk within yourself with a new faith in yourself and believe only in yourself and this is how you believe in God and this is the only service God expects of you. You do not have to go to church, belong to a religion to find or speak to God.

I repeat, believe only in yourself and who you really want to be. God is Love, so Love yourself and this is how you Love God. This is doing God’s work. Then give this Love to others and especially your family, then give Love to everyone and everything around you, with Gratitude for all that you already have, no matter how little that is. God is ever giving and never taking.

Listen to your inner-voice, which is only positive and good and this is how God speaks to you everyday. Follow only your own intuition that feels good and positive. Then Listen to your conscience, which is your own Guide standing on your right guiding and protecting you from harm. You must listen that is the key to change your life. You can never really be alone, as God and your Guide are always there. Ron J. Oberon

Answer #2

Allah is the creatorof everything : skies,heavens, people, planets, stars, gasses EVERYTHING He has no beginning or end and it is forbidden to think beyond that He is the All-Knowing the Most-Merciful and the Most-Gracious He created heaven for the believers (not just anyone who believes in God, just Muslims) and hell for the non-believers even when evidence, proof, and purity lay right in front of them and yet people still have the courage to make up another religion HE is to be feared for HE is capable of all possibilities and impossibilities because He is the one and only Creator That is who God is (AllaH) do not be mislead by Athiest ignorance and Christian falseness Islam is the path to success

Answer #3

I say these from God’s revelation to us through the Bible. He has revealed to all that He is the one who created the universe and that He exists outside of time

god has revealed nothing. A ancient text written by superstitious men only reveals that the writers thought he created the universe.

You may have reasons not to accept the fact that Bible is the true revelation of God to mankind that’s up to you.

Yeah, I have reasons. The fact that I am not delusional is one. Believe what you want, but please don’t make yourself look even stupider by declaring the bible is true and factual. It is belief, not fact.

Man goes to hell only because he rejects God’s provision for his salvation.

Again, that loving god of yours. Casting perfectly good people into hell simply for not being able to accept such a fantastic story, without even one iota of evidence. At the same time time he is accepting repentent murders, rapists and theives simply because they could believe such a story. Is your god really that egotisitical that he has to destroy those who didn’t worship him?

The fact that all you can do is resort to dogma, clearly shows that your FACTS are nothing but BELIEFS. Belief with absolutely no facts to back it up.

Answer #4

The Bible is true and there are tons of evidence for this out there.

WRONG… you can’t prove it, that means it ISN’T truth, only speculation. There is also tons of evidence AGAINST the Bible being true.

Anyone who wants to know the truth can easily get those evidences.

WRONG AGAIN. You constantly confuse TRUTH with BELIEF, and you also think people can just CHOOSE to be delusional like you. Well they can’t. Mental or emotional instability, brain damage, etc. is NOT done by choice.

The skeptics here only sit around and say the Bible is a myth written by ancient uneducated… That is all they do.

You’re proficient at TWO THINGS for certain… generalizing, and being WRONG.

Answer #5

The Bible is true and there are tons of evidence for this out there.

You have tried to show is the alleged evidence before, and you have failed miserably.

Anyone who wants to know the truth can easily get those evidences.

But you can’t tell us what they are?

* The skeptics here only sit around and say the Bible is a myth written by ancient uneducated… That is all they do.

Yes, this is all I do all day, sit around and say the bible is a myth. Pretty good gig, huh?

You say skeptic as if that is a bad thing. We should constantly be questioning our perception and understanding of the world.

Answer #6

He is like the sun in that we cant see Him, but by Him we see everything else.

You can’t see the sun? REALLY? So this picture is just… blank to you?

Answer #7

Brothers we shud respect each other’s religion, obviously every one thinks that he is right, so the only honourable option is to respect others. We are here to share each others views, but unfortunately we become so much rude in all this and make it a personal fight. So I request all to plzzz plzzz think bout it.

Regarding question, Sun is a creation, and the creation can’t be God. God is the one who keeps an eye on us all the time, but sun sets in evening going away from us, God has eternal power, but sun’s power(heat) gets low in a clody day and in evening. Think inside your self pal, could a heavinly body creat your self, such complex machine(human body), Just look in to your self, and the nature around, you will get the answers.

Answer #8

I believe God is everything. He is like the sun in that we cant see Him, but by Him we see everything else. I guess what I mean is that God reveals to us the things that are too often overlooked, and if we choose to acknowlage them, it sets us free, but take from this answer what you will, its just my opinion.

Answer #9

You may have reasons not to accept the fact that Bible is the true revelation of God to mankind

…and YOU have no reasons for claiming the Bible is ‘true’ or ‘factual’ …other than your own weak and deluded faith, and there’s nothing righteous or Christ-like about that.

Answer #10

The Bible is true and there are tons of evidence for this out there. Anyone who wants to know the truth can easily get those evidences. The skeptics here only sit around and say “the Bible is a myth written by ancient uneducated…”. That is all they do.

Answer #11

So…god has a penis. Was it circumsized or uncircumsized? Since God created man (Adam) in his own image in the bible…we have to say that God’s penis (the divine, perfect schlongus) is in fact “uncut”…because Adam was created in his image, and so, too, are all men.

Now given the holy schlongus is uncut…and, all men are born with a penis in his image…why does God wish us to cut ourselves and therefore, move us further from his divine image?

That’s one issue, the other is let’s say, chest hair. I have more than some, less than others (you know, those dudes with the hairy shoulders? That’s not me, but I have a few random ones)…is a hairy guy more god like? Or is a guy with less hair more god like?

And, the big one…skin tone. I’m light, my wife is dark, I have two kids, one lighter skinned, one darker…both mine. Is one, then, closer to god because of the color of his skin???

Absurd. Though, I still wonder…if He has a Penis…it is, after all, the Penis, right? Capitalization and all that…so, if He has a Penis…is it large? Small? Is a guy with a bigger one more god like than a smaller one?

…wondering, does God get morning wood, too? If we were made in his image…he must. What is the purpose of his erection?

Answer #12

..wondering, does God get morning wood, too? If we were made in his image…he must. What is the purpose of his erection?


The purpose is probably to screw over the world/universe?

Answer #13

Why do YOU insist (with no proof) that god cannot have had a beginning, but time/space absolutely does.

I say these from God’s revelation to us through the Bible. He has revealed to all that He is the one who created the universe and that He exists outside of time. You may have reasons not to accept the fact that Bible is the true revelation of God to mankind that’s up to you. Man goes to hell only because he rejects God’s provision for his salvation.

Answer #14

Dude your helarious hahaha

Answer #15

God is a being who dwells outside of time.


Most people who ask that question does not think about it. They have just heard it or red it somewhere.


This question makes the foolish assumption that God was created.

Just because you don’t agree with it, doesn’t make it foolish… idiot…

the word beginning does not apply to Him.


The simple answer thus is He did not have a beginning.

…assumption… not an answer… liar.

1. That is a very silly question

You’ve made it abundantly clear, dozens of times, that you have no idea what ‘silly’ means, either… But go ahead and keep lying to people, and yourself. You’ll face the grim reality of your delusions eventually, something you WON’T be able to lie your way out of…

I don’t understand why people insist God be created.

You also cannot validate that he WASN’T… idiot…

Answer #16

Jesus is one interpretation of the sun god.

The cross of Christianity is one interpretation of the solar wheel… the swastika… often emblazoned upon Buddha… another interpretation of the sun god… is another construction of the solar wheel.

Jesus and his other counterparts in various religious stories… birth correlates to the time of year when the sun finally begins the sojourn to overtake the night time hours… three days beyond the winter solstice… the shortest day of the year.

Jesus’ resurrection… Easter… is celebrated in proximity to the vernal equinox to symbolize lights triumph over darkness.

There are ancient religious sects that consider the sun god as the good god… the sun is allegorical… it represents the heavenly body shedding the most light. Light is the substance that pervades this material universe and allows for interaction in it. Lights timeless nature infers the noncorporeal foundation of light. Numerous esoteric allegories of Light and Christ… the supreme deity… abound in the bible…

Long story short… you’re a Christian.

No offense to yourself… or mainstream Christians… I consider myself a Christian in this vein.

Answer #17

God is a being. He is the creator of this universe. He transcends time and space.

There is this question that people keep asking. The question is “Who created God?”. Someone in this post also asked the same question. A few words about that question.

  1. That is a very silly question
  2. Most people who ask that question does not think about it. They have just heard it or red it somewhere.

Now to the answer. God is a being who dwells outside of time. The words: beginning, end, start, when etc are all words that is related to time. This question makes the foolish assumption that God was created. It also assumes that God had a beginning. But “beginning” is a related to time. Since God lives outside time and is in fact the one who created time, the word “beginning” does not apply to Him. The simple answer thus is He did not have a beginning.

I don’t understand why people insist God be created.

Answer #18

I don’t understand why people insist God be created.

eternallymisinformed, this has to be one of the most incoherent posts you have ever made. I don’t insist anything about god, other than there is no evidence one exists. However, from a philosphical POV, as opposed to a dogmatic one, if your god could be infinite, why can’t time and space also? Why do YOU insist (with no proof) that god cannot have had a beginning, but time/space absolutely does.

Answer #19

The only god I belive in is the sun.

At least it is something you can prove exists, even if you can’t prove it is a god. That is a lot more than most religions can say about their god.

Answer #20

I belief there is only on true God - Yehweh, who created the sun and everything else. there does exists a lot of other dieties - if you trace back MOSt other religions to their ancient roots, most go back to sun worship. The sun is just given a lot of different names. So basically you worship the sun or its Creator. :)

Answer #21

God is a being, or group of beings that live, or exist on a dimentional plane which is too complex for our human 3 dimentional bodies to concieve. 3 dimentional limitations also give us freedom in this dimention.

I.e. God crossed dimentional material, big bang happens, nature takes over from there leaving God unable to change physical matter here (due to the fact that God is in a dimention so far above this one therefore too complex) and if the physical laws of this universe are not adhered to, Whalla another big bang. but by all means go ahead and lay on the beach. However unless you plan on figuring out how to get from point A-Z or ZtoA without the guidence of the one created like us that can understand both God and us, well thats his choice who to shw the path, not mine. Well good luck with that. hahaha

Answer #22

The only god I belive in is the sun.

You revere a giant ball of flammable gas as a deity?? Pretty silly… ñ___ñ

Answer #23

IMO, a figment of many people’s imagination.

Answer #24

Doesn’t that mean that someone must have created god in order for god to exist?

:/ pah.

Answer #25

Who is god? Your god is the sun.

Answer #26

…nice guess… at least it makes some degree of sense… though its still a guess…

Answer #27

God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He created us, the planets, the animals, the planets, the galaxies, etc..

Answer #28

God is whatever people want him/her to be.

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