Who here thinks Hillary will take it to "Denver, Denver, Denver' !!

Who here thinks Hillary will take it to “Denver, Denver, Denver’ !!??

Answer #1

One more thing, the downing street memos are nothing but minutes to a meeting, that have not been refuted by anyone attending the meeting. So how exactly can that be considered liberal bias?

Answer #2

You forgot White water and Monica L. . . Such a fine truthful man. busy in his School days helping to with Anti American Rallys. . . Such a fine outstanding role model.

Answer #3

And then we had 8 years of prosperity, a balanced budget, and a projected surplus…

Bush said he was going to return integrity back to the white house. How is that going for you?

Answer #4

Legion, what exactly about her scares you?

And if she scares you, Bush must make you pee your pants…

Are you as scared of John Howard. Because he is definately one scary sob…

Answer #5

Its possible that Hillary will take it to Denver. I would hope that she get delegates there. But, I’m not sure if she would win the state of Colorado. She could give it a try though.

Answer #6

If she looses I hope she run independant. . . . . . .

Answer #7

Sorry I don’t read liberal bias reports. But here is our big differance. . . keeping with Christian doctorine, who ever wins the election will not be spoken of badly by me or slandered while in office. . I will pray for them daily and pray that they make wise choices and I will not be swayed by a bias media or blogger.

Answer #8

I do believe Bill lied. If you don’t think Bush and Cheney lied, you are in denial.

Have you read the downing street memo? Or read the Kay report, or the deufler report, or the 9/111 commission report. Everyone of them shows clearly that Bush knew there was evidence that Saddam did not have WMDs, or ties to AQ, nor any kind of nuclear program, and he suppressed it. He cherry-picked intel to make his case, and through out anything contradictory.

Answer #9

Only because you your partisanship prevents you from seeing the truth…

Answer #10

So you think lying about a bj is worse than lying us into a war that kills hundreds of thousands?

Answer #11

Well you believe your set of lies and I’ll believe mine. . .

Answer #12

One more thing, the downing street memos are nothing but minutes to a meeting, that have not been refuted by anyone attending the meeting. So how exactly can that be considered liberal bias?

Answer #13

She will quit tonight, and through her support behind Obama. The party will heal, and Obama will win in November and Obama will be our next president. Our long national nightmare will be over…

Answer #14

The duelfer and kay reports was liberally biased? They were commisioned by Bush!!!

Are you suggesting there is something wrong with criticism of our leaders when warranted? I think our forefathers would have a good laugh over that. Dissent is not only my right, it is my obligation when I see abuses of power.

It must be very easy for you to dismiss anything that contradicts your preconcieved notions as nothing but liberal media bias, without the slightest bit of critical thinking involved.

The only liberal media I know is Air America, The Nation magazine, and Kieth Olberman. Evertyhing else is corporate controlled infotainment. I am not sure how long they will let Kieth get away with his show on msnbc,

Answer #15

I hope she goes away…I’m not American, but that woman scares me. Maybe she could have her own show like Oprah later…I think it would do well.

Answer #16

I don’t think so. I think she will drop out within the next 2 weeks. After tomorrow, Obama will recieve a flood of superdelegates, enough to put him way over the 2118 needed. He is only 46 away right now. He will pick up another 15-20 pledged delgates tomorrow. Then he will only need about 30 to clinch the nomination. Once he passes that threshold, it won’t matter what Hillary thinks. It will be over.

Answer #17

Whitewater? There was nothing there. That is why when Starr came up empty there, he went fishing for BJs.

And if I were old enough, I would have joined him in his protest of the last illegal, immoral war we fought before this one. And I would have gone to canada had I been drafted.

Clinton was a very competent president, especially compared the mental midget we have now.

Do you think dubya has been a great role model?

Lying about a bj is much less offensive to me than lying about the reasons for going to a war that kills hundreds of thousands of people.

Answer #18

Yes I find GBW a much more acceptable role model than Slick Willy. . .

Answer #19

that’s what they said when Bill got in office. . . So don’t hold your breath.

Answer #20

She May run when she checks out the Public rest rooms. . .

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