Who believes in ghosts

Who believes in ghosts

Answer #1

Oh me me me lol I have had supernatural experiences before that’s why I believe in them

Answer #2

I dont know if I do or not, I guess I do, but I would never wanna see one

Answer #3

I said seeing voice. What? I don’t remember what I was trying to say. Another thing she told me was that she used to see one years ago, it was a guy that wore checker board pants.

Answer #4

Yep I believe. I personally never seen them (I don’t think) but my mother works at a nursing home and talked a lot about seeing voice and other apparition like things. Some sounded just plain evil. Like she was seeing the face of some guy in one of the windows once and it did something I can’t remember. I just remember it not sounding good.

Answer #5

No I dont all tho if I see one with MY own 2 eyes then yr ill believe but untill then …

Answer #6

No I dont all tho if I see one with MY own 2 eyes then yr ill believe but untill then …

Answer #7

Oh hell! I’ve SEEN them! Of COURSE I believe in them.

Answer #8

I do

Answer #9

I do.

Answer #10

hell yea I’ve seen one it was creepy!!! oki im home alone and now im scared thanks a lot! haha jkjk :P

Answer #11

OMG I do! once when I was like 5 I was in the forest with buy friend and like so we were right by this litle pond and she dropped her candy wrapper and we both bent down to grab it and when we came up there was this girl in a white dress and then she screamed and dove into the pond aghhh

Answer #12

You only see them if you really want to! ;) know what I mean?

Answer #13

Oh me me me lol I have had supernatural experiences before that’s why I believe in them

Answer #14

I seen one, I think, it was a scary experience driving home.

never thought the ghost I heard so much about on the net would appear

(it is reported that the ghost is on the road near my house)

and while I drove by, I first thought it was a person walking in the middle of the street, but as I got closer, I person dissapear. and I know I;m not seeing things because I slowed down and took a good look at time and everything.

weird, he dissapear while I passed him

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