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Who can help me with boyfriend/parents/and/highschool issues?
Ok so I dont usually ask for advice I usually give it and this isnt really going to help me but just give ideas as to what im doing wrong I guess I dont know but anyways my boyfriend is in mexico a lot of you will say hes probably cheating theres always that possibility but I trust him my problem with it is it makes me feel alone without someone to actually physically hold me you understand? I already had to be away from him for a year before and that was hard and thats an understatement im bi so I was thinking of having a girlfriend but I doubt my boyfriend would want to share me hes the kind who wants me for him and thats it but it wouldnt exactly be a girlfriend it would be more of a friend with benefits thing weird thing is I was all willing to talk about it earlier but im afraid ill end up making him cry hes emotional like that he’ll probably ask if just him alone cant be enough for me and he’ll agree but ill feel awful thats part #1 #2 is my parents act like im like 4 years old im 17 and they dot even trust me to go to a sleepover with my friends im an ok kid I dont cause trouble dont get into fights dont cause any unnecissary stress for my parents yet they still treat me like im 4 im not sure what im going to do when I turn 18 but I think I need to help my mom understand im not little cindy anymore im cyn the somewhat wise teen who is probably depressed by all the stress their life has put me through I look forward to a good life after I leave home I plan on college and building a life and a family and it probably wont help if my mom acts like im her property and have to follow her command and thats where part #3 comes in I’ve been having a hard time with highschool from the start but now that im in my senior year I want to bring my grades up but I dont know how to do that around people I tried to convince my mother into letting my do my senior year online at home because I’ll be able to focus better but she wants her way she wants me to have what she couldnt have since she got pregnant at like 15 or 16 and she couldnt get her diploma and walk across the stage but I dont care about the glamorous parts I just want to make it through because I just want to be able to get somewhere in life so I can give my kids what I didnt have a good life away from the dangerous city I was raised in so theyd be in a good environment with parents who can be there because their jobs dont take all day but theyre paying enough to keep us good you know well id really appreciate any help thank you -cyn
Hey there, How are you? So why do you think it makes you feel alone to not be held ? Maybe you could get a teddy bear and name it after her :P jk. But its very understanable for him to want you to himslef although you do have needs. I would just buy a play toy while he is away. However it sounds like you are in this for him ? Sound kind of right ? … Just a guess. With your mother you need to let her know you are almost a adult and you need more freedom and you are more then willing to prove it to her at any way possible. And for the whole school thing , Its hard and yes she probley wants you to have the grad she never got the chance to have so I would suggest you get a tutor, and yes some times they can be a bit pricey so you might want to get a part time job to pay for it , also that will help your chances in proving to her that you are a responsible young adult. I do hope I helped and I am always here if you need some one to talk to . I was a young mother too so I know how your mother must of felt witch explains why she is so over protective. Yours truly, Demika Ray
thank you haha actually im getting a kitten pretty soon its to help with the loneliness I have a ton of stuffed animals and what not they dont truely fill the empty space its more of an affection thing yeah I have friends and all but its not the same as the love and need another can make you feel and well I know I need to let my mom know im growing up believe me thats been going on for years now shes just odd I don’t know its normal for parents and I can see why shes overprotective believe me my older sister gave her reason to become way over protective but it sucks and school well put it this way a tutor cant undo laziness lol im smart I ace all my tests usually but im a slacker at work haha I like doing things at a slower pace than everyone and my mom doesnt want to realize that I guess things will even out at least I hope they will blah yeah thanks though for your help
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