Who believes in the big bang?

I question the big bang and here are my reason why:

Look around. What are the odds that the universe just “popped” into being. Just look back to what made the little ball of matter for the big bang. Who made the cosmoses that the cells grew on? If cells were the first thing then what made the water where the cells where living and who made the area where the water was? You can go on and on, but I believe god is. Some people ask “ if god made the universe, where did he come from” god is that, we can go on and on but we need to have an ending , because our minds are limited, and the infinity is an ending of it’s own.

Answer #1

“I dont beleive in god or that some imaginary man just created a world full of life but the big bang theory isnt that the big bang is another option about what happend to the dinosaurs the big bang is used to describe the idea of a huge meteorite hitting earth and wiping all the dinosaurs out I however also dont beleive in that. because many animals survived, a better option is a change in the climate but again, nothing just popped into existance but ill let religiouse people believe in what they want and ill continue to beleive in what I do “

jazlovestoskate, the big bang is the theory of the origins of the universe. It has nothing to do with the theory of a meteor hitting the earth and killing off dinosaurs. And the fact that many animals survived does not disprove that theory either. The animals that survived were the ones most able to adapt to the harsh envorinment that existed after the impact. That is what led to the rise of mammals.

Answer #2

Big Bang Theory,

 It's totally possible.  In fact, there is scientific research indicating that our Universe did in fact begin that way.  I believe that God created the Universe.  Who is to say that He did not employ this means to create it?  I've been an avid student of the Bible for at least 10 years.  The Bible does not go into detail about creation though it does give a broad overview of certain aspects of creation.  You must remember, the Bible is not a science textbook and it was penned by simple men who were inspired by God to write the book's contents but these, for the most part, were not scholars but your simple, every day, working men.

Big Bang…Totally Possible (It Does Not Mean That You Do Not Believe In God Or Creation If You Accept The “Big Bang” Theory),

Michael (“Who Is Like God?” - Koine)

P.S.-Yeah, the concept of eternity is a hard one for mankind to grasp because everything that we know, even our universe which is extremely hold, has a beginning and has an end. We’ve never known anything that did not have a beginning.

This Is Why The Bible Must Use What Is Called Anthropomorphisms, The Assigning Of Human Characteristics To Inanimate Objects Or Abstract Concepts.

Answer #3

“Is the “Big Bang” theory reasonable?”


It doesn’t stand up to a literal interpretation of the Bible, but, to many of us, the Bible shouldn’t be taken literally but rather figuratively and more as a book of “assumed” history meant to pacify an uneducated populace.

I think the Big Bang references a single point of immense density of matter and heat. Myself, I tend to perceive of it as a single point of immense energy from which all matter evolved. The creation or infusion of that energy caused the creation of the universe and time.

“Why does everyone discount the possibility of “The Big Bang” and “Creative Evolution”?”

Isn’t it possible that there is a God but that It didn’t create “us” but instead created our soul-entity and left it up to our soul-entities to create, through (controlled) evolution, the environment and bodies that they needed to exist in within the physical dimension?

It is just possible that WE are not yet advanced enough to comprehend that there are partial truths with Darwinists, Creationists and Intelligent Design proponents?

Who are WE to decide what methods and tools God could use in God’s Creation and in the furtherance thereof?

Answer #4

ok…religeous fanatics…dont get me wrong…theres nothing wrong and im not judging…but I myself dont have a religion..I personaly wouldnt belive any bible because they are in fact written by man.I was raised catholic but there were a lot of things in the bible I did not agree with…then I tried the mormon religion because I liked their sense of unity, then I realized just how discriminative they were…I like bhhudists but I cant live without sex…lol j/k .in conclusion how are you all so shure what the bible said is gods will…is it so impossible that some one just wrote what they belived down and said it was given to him by someone else…or maybe god did say it but they coulda changed it.although I dont belive in any one religion I do belive in a higher power…an all knowing being that watches over us …however to this big bang theory(sorry I got sidetracked)im not really shure what to belive…perhaps it was god who allowed the explosion to take place to begin with has anybody ever thought to unite both theories???either way…does it really matter how we started…should we not be happy that we did…and now comprehend how we will end?I mean the ends so close and were all still so absored in the beggining.

Answer #5

I do believe in most of what I have seen and heard about the big bang theory, the history channel has been running shows about it at night, and it is truly fascinating. I don’t believe that “divine intervention” played a role in the creation of the universe. as far as I see it- it was a natural act.

Answer #6

God created everything.When someone asks who he is I say He is b/c when God was asked who he was he said I AM! And by the way I <3 the song the great I am.

Answer #7

* “What are the odds that the universe just ‘popped’ into being.”

That isn’t what big bang theory postulates.

Answer #8

I dont beleive in god or that some imaginary man just created a world full of life but the big bang theory isnt that the big bang is another option about what happend to the dinosaurs the big bang is used to describe the idea of a huge meteorite hitting earth and wiping all the dinosaurs out I however also dont beleive in that. because many animals survived, a better option is a change in the climate but again, nothing just popped into existance but ill let religiouse people believe in what they want and ill continue to beleive in what I do

Answer #9

Questioning things is certainly the sign of a healthy mind. However, it isn’t good to just deny something because you don’t understand it or because it makes you feel uncomfortable.

The Big Bang Theory descrbes the first events as best as we can understand them. It doesn’t say that everything just popped into place and that there was no god. It’s all about the mechanics and not at all about purpose or meaning.

Unless you are required by your faith to believe in a literal interpretation of a holy book or unless you are a scientist who has a better description of those events, there’s really no reason not to believe it.

Answer #10

I like that and I totally agree. a lot of people argue that god, not matter how in fallible, could not possibly create all that is in seven days, but gods perception of days could be way greater than ours. I will admidt, I dont go to church, because I think we should live each moment for ourselves. w3e dont have to give our lies to god, we just have to have faith. this picture is proof that there is a god.

Answer #11

I believe in the big bang…

God spoke and BANG! it happened!

Answer #12

Before you can dismiss the Big Bang theory, you first need to understand it. Read Big Bang: The Most Important Scientific Discovery of All Time and Why You Need to Know About It, by Simon Singh.

Answer #13

True, and it’s really simple: a person either accepts or rejects the Bible’s accounts of events and believes it is true from cover to cover - their own personal choice.

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