More important to see a black person or woman in office finally?

I am an african american female.and personally it was more important for me to see a woman in office than a blsck person. My question to everyone is :was it more important to see a black person or woman in office finally?

Answer #1

If all we had to do is base an election on race or gender…color and genitals…Gawd, would an election be easy…and nobody could lie about it…


Answer #2

Baldwinwolf: She’s just asking which would you rather see in the white house, as an HISTORIC mark. Not if you want one because your racist against the other, or if want the other because your sexist.

Don’t take stuff so literally.

Answer #3

I think the most important thing is to have the best person for the job.

It would be cool to have a president of color or a female vice president but the overriding concern must be who can best execute their duty as president of the US.

Answer #4

Having either would be an historical landmark. Both are from groups who have been disenfranchised…but as has been said, membership in a particular demographic shouldn’t blind us to a particular candidate’s stance on issues that are important to us.

Answer #5

I think that race and gender are not as important as a good overall leader. It would be realy cool for either to get in though! :)

Answer #6

I belive it doesnt matter what what race or gender is in office as long as they can do what is good for the country.

Answer #7

Either one would be a first in th U.S. …and a cultural advancement in my opinion. So either one would be fine with me.

Answer #8

I am going for the candidate who I think will do the best job for me, and since Hillary is no longer available, I am voting for Barack Obama…

I hope Americans were able to see through John Mccain’s bullshit last night…actions speak louder than words, and for the past 8 years the actions that have been taken have left America in shambles, and Mccain’s views are almost identicle to those of our current President.

Answer #9

amblessed: “I think I’d pick the one who doesn’t require a teleprompter to make a speech “

Then I guess you aren’t voting for anyone this year. Please show me one politician who doesn’t use a teleprompter. Didn’t palin use one last night?

“I wouldn’t pick the one who thinks the protection of the unborn or newly born is above their pay grade - unable to commit an answer to the issue of when life begins.”

More lies and misquotes from amblessed. What he said was below his paygrade was the absolute definition of when life begins. He said that answer is up to science and philosphers. A very good answer if you ask me.

Answer #10

reverse discrimination lurks in this question. if someone wants to fall into the “discrimination” category- then by all means- vote for the black candidate. I would be labeled a “bigot” if I said I didn’t vote for the black candidate because he was black- so the reverse would also be true- voting for obama because he is black would be wrong as well. you can not confront discrimination by taking the same course of action when given the chance. GENDER AND RACE SHOULD NOT BE AN ISSUE. more importantly is LIFE EXPERIENCE, MILITARY EXPERIENCE, CORE VALUES, LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE, AND A STANCE ON THE ISSUES. so to answer the question- IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT “PERSON” THAN IT IS TO PICK THE “BLACK” CANDIDATE, OR THE “FEMALE” CANDIDATE.

Answer #11

amblessed. just answer the simple question! PLEASE! Are you talking about Bush in the first one? Cause I think that’s what he does. And haha, he’s our president. What a co-ink-e-dink.

I’d rather have the first HALF african american president. Cause I want to be the first female president. But I’ll also be the first african american president. Well, half african american president :).

Answer #12

more important to see a democrat in office

Answer #13

Just like with religion, amblessed only knows what he’s TOLD.

Answer #14

I think I’d pick the one who doesn’t require a teleprompter to make a speech trying to appeal people abroad and I wouldn’t pick the one who thinks the protection of the unborn or newly born is above their pay grade - unable to commit an answer to the issue of when life begins.

Answer #15

black person

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