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When I receive sperm from a meth user will I test + ?
I have to random drug test. My man is an everyday user of meth. If he cums inside me can that make me have a dirty test even though I do not use?
I have heard that a few times, I have no evidence to back it up though, it does kinda sound possible in a way.
and YES your guy friend needs serious help.
wow thats stupid help your guy he is in some major major trouble
why wouldn’t you even get him help? that’s ridiculous.
How do I test clean if I used meth within 24 hours of testing? - 4 Answers
I'm looking for intelligent answers from first hand experience.what is the best way to test clean for meth if you've been a h...
meth> how did he pass a toenail test ? - 2 Answers
A child abuser we know was court ordered to take a toenail test. He has been useing meth. within one month to one and a half...
How long does it take for meth to get out of your system? - 1 Answers
My friend did some meth and has a drug test next week and he is flipping out. So how long do you think it would take to get o...
What home remedies is good to use to pass a crystal meth test? - 3 Answers
I heard vinegar helps but I failed my last test with that then I here baking soda helps and possibly bleach is this a certai...
Pass a urine test - 1 Answers
What home remedies are there for passing a urine test?
sperm question? - 1 Answers
when sperm hits the air do it die right away or do it dies in a hour or 2 ???
Can you pass a blood test for THC? - 2 Answers
Can you pass a blood test for thc and how
How long do you have to wait before taking a pregnancy test? - 2 Answers
How long do you have 2 wait before you can take a pregnancy test?
How I know I am fit in sperm count ? - 1 Answers
I am 30 years old . I married one year before , now we dont have a child. We are cunfuse. Because that my wife dates is not p...
How old to buy a pregnancy test? - 2 Answers
How old do you have to be to buy a pregnancy test in the uk? Is there an age restriction?
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