Whats your favourite flavour of Juice?

Whats YOUR favourite flavour of juice??? ~just curious~

mines anything with pomegrant in it…though I spelled it wrong

Answer #1

Apple Juice!!! I wuld have said oj bt I remembered O.J. can and will kill u

Answer #2

O.J!! Or grape or lemonade and I LOVE strawberry-cranberry its that juice that mixes tew flavors YUMM its mi fave=D

Answer #3

mine is freshly made watermelon juice or apple YUMMM ;)

Answer #4

Cranberry juice for me.

Answer #5

Fresh Orange juice is amazing

I also love anything white grape, or peach.

Answer #6

V8 juice, the tropical blend.

Answer #7


Answer #8

lemonade peach mango coconut

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