Whats wrong with my ferret?

I have had Cleo for 6 years, she also has a conpanion Missy around the same age. Theres somthing wrong with Cleo and I can’t really afford to take her to the vet, but I’ll do what I have to. Once in a while in her cage Cleo acts different and starts scratching the bottom of the cage then scratches the upper part of her mouth and squeeles somthimes because of pain I think. I feel really bad and it brings me to tears. I love animals I have 7 dogs, 3 cats, 3 ducks, and wanting more. But I can’t figure out whats wrong with her she does it when she out of her cage aswell. I don’t know if she has a tooth problem or what can someone please help for Cleos sake.

Answer #1

Sounds like she might have a tooth ache, or possibly a tumor inside of her brain. Or maybe something has been lodged inside of her nose. Or she could also have an ear ache. Either way I think it’s one of these things. Examine the inside of her mouth and ears. Be sure to clean out all the dark stuff out of her ears with a cotton swab and peroxide. In her mouth look for any decay, like dark spots around her gums and her teeth. And make sure her gums are the right color, bright pink, nothing to white. And pinch her nose to see her reaction, if she cries out then that may be something bad.

Answer #2

thanks and yes your response really did help

Answer #3

Also, it sounds like you truly love animals. Ferrets, especially, get sick very, very quickly and it’s usually pretty expensive when they do. The American ferret (read, Marshall Farms ferrets) have two major things going against them: 1. They’re spayed/neutered at WAY too young an age, leaving them highly susceptible to things such as adrenal gland disease and 2. They’re deficient in most of their major tumor-suppressor genes (translation: they’re little cancer factories). I know you love your babies, and you said you want more…but they’re expensive creatures (all of them–dogs, cats, ferrets, can get sick, get cancer, become injured and need surgery, etc.). If you can’t really afford to take them to the vet, I’d strongly advise against getting any more, since they’ll need the best care you can give them.

Answer #4

You need to take your ferret to the vet. Pawing at the mouth is a classic sign of nausea in a ferret, and can indicate serious disease such as insulinoma. Generally, ferrets develop insulinomas and adrenal disease around age 5-6, so Cleo needs to be checked out as soon as possible. You know your ferret better than anyone, and changes in behavior are often the fist signs of clinical illness in these little guys. Also, if you clean her ears, do it gently with a dry cotton swab–never put any sort of solvent (alcohol, peroxide, etc.) into your baby’s ears. I hope this helps, and good luck to you and Cleo.

Answer #5

thank you very much I’ll check her out today for any of those

Answer #6

my ferrets do that to..well the scratching thing..my little girl who is only 1 year old randomly screems..loud too..they are used to having dirt..too..dont forget these were once wild animals so they still have wild outside traits with them..take her outside and let her dig around in the dirt..leash train her and take her for walks..you will be the new rave..I almost caused a car accident!!

Answer #7

haha nice but I don’t think it’s that nessasarily it’s as if somethings bothering her and she acts like she’s out of it I don’t know it’s hard to explain

Answer #8

this actually sounds like it could be a mental thing… but it could also be a mouth problem. first though, try switching what he eats (soften his food) and keep an eye on him. try and give him more out of cage time as well. this should help with boht any psyical and mental issues

Answer #9

I deff. dont think it’s a mental things, shes fine other than that.

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