Whats worse, weed or drinking?

Whats worse, weed or drinking?

Answer #1

both are as equaly bad, although I lean more on to weed as the bad side, just cause it’s illegal and I’ve nearly had a friend go off high and killed himself!! drinking in my oppinion is tottally fine and good for parties as long as you’re a smart drinker (you know your limits, not drink for pain, not drive, and have at least a friend or two who aren’t tottaly drunk and still sane!)

Answer #2

it actually depends… like, I know beer is actually good for you, like, a beer a day prevents some sort of cancer or something, but if you get completly wasted, then your just killin brain cells and weed hhaa uhh nothin really bad unless you do it everyday for muliple years

Answer #3


Answer #4

drug trafficking is the way terrorists make money so if you do drugs your a communist

Answer #5

Drinking is worse. More people die every year from drinking, whether it be alcohol poisoning, drinking and driving, or getting out of hand…and doing something stupid infact, there was a kid at a party and they all were drinking, one threw up in somebody else’s car…and the guy whose car it was got in a fight and beat him to death. Weed is Illegal because timberers and other people involved with the making of paper and cutting down our trees lobbied (lobbyed whatever) the usage of weed because they would have went out of buisness because hemp can be used for paper and so on. Smoking weed will not hurt you if you do it in moderation and can stay focused to do the things you need to do in life to be successful.

Answer #6

Drinking is obviously worse…I rather drink then do weed though. I never heard of people smoking weed and then driving and killing someone but you hear all the time about a drunk driving causing an accident and killing people…it is easy to drink too much alcohol but very very hard to overdose on weed. Weed to me is just stupid…I would never want to be high…when people do weed though they can do stupid stuff while on it but its not likely…its in away harmless except that over time it can lead to lung cancer…drinking as a lot worse of side effects but if you were going to do one then pck drinking which is legal but wait until your of age…dont go with weed

Answer #7

Personally I think drinking is worse. When the last time someone OD’d on weed? …NEVER!

Answer #8

Neither are bad in moderation. Drinking causes more problems and gets out of hand easier though. And as for Reo0088 who said its illegal for a reason he should look up the real reasons weed is illegal.

Answer #9

I reckon drinking is worse, I say that from experience with them both… but many people disagree with that, I also thinking ciggies are worse than weed

Answer #10

Weed, its illegal for a reason…gets you paranoid lol but drink is the boyo, it was invented to do things you wouldnt normally have the guts to do :D

Answer #11

well, I think drinking is… because my grandparents are alcoholics and they have gotten violent (VERY) when drunk… but when I or anyone around me smoke weed, we just chill, so… ya my opinion is alchohol

Answer #12

Both are bad, but I think drinking is worse.

Answer #13

they are equaly bad

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