Whats a good way to wake up early?

Answer #1

setting your alarm. or having someone wake you up. or going to sleep early.

Answer #2

Going to bed earlier than you usually do. I also set multiple alarm clocks all over my room to wake me up…I’m a deep sleeper lol.

Answer #3

Well I can NEVER hear the alarm…Someone always wakes up and offs it and then complains at me for not offing it in the morning ..lol and i put it right next to my bed, and i want to wake up at 6:15 but no one wakes up then, and my mum doesnt wanna wake up at 6:15 because she has a got a busy day tomorrow.

Answer #4

I can never fall asleep. lol same…and i only have one alarm clock…i should get a few more.. lol :) also i should go to bed now then..its nearly 10 .. lol

Answer #5

I find that the key to waking up early, is getting enough rest in general. If you’re over tired or went to bed way too late the night before, chances are you won’t get up easily the next morning. You need to go to bed at a decent time, limit your caffeine intake to 0 after 7pm, and be sure to set your alarm.

If you find you’re someone who hits snooze and just goes back to sleep, put your alarm clock across the room so that you physically have to get up, walk to it, and then shut it off. If you’re having to actually get up to turn it off, you chances of actually getting up are much higher.

Answer #6

Thats a great idea thanks.x i wanna wake up at 6:00 and have a shower because its my birthday ;) lol.x

Answer #7

I have several alarms to wake me up

Answer #8

Gosh, must be annoying.. :l lol i should try that ;)

Answer #9

When you wake up to hit snooze, or whatever it is you do, drink a bottle or glass of water, and your body wont let you fall back asleep as easy

Answer #10

Mind control. Like Charlie Sheen, I will things to happen including my wake up time and as a winner, they just do. For example, I recall competing in a 5K race three weeks ago with no training and told everyone at the starting line that they couldn’t match my skill, grace and speed and that i would place in the top 5. I ran the race in 15:33 and took third place. I rejoiced after the race with beers and loose women.

If you are not a winner, try setting an alarm clock. Most of my friends do that and they seem to get where they need to be at the right time.

Answer #11

an alarm clock! even know everybody else already said that, im sayin

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