What is the scariest dream, and the best dream, you've ever had?

Answer #1

The one I used to have alot when I was a kid. All white walls and hallways with no way out. Something after me that I could’nt see or get away from and it was so close that If I turned around it was right there on me. Hope I never have that dream again, but since I’m all grown up now, if I do, maybe I’ll try and beat it’s ass.

Answer #2

When a creepy guy chopped me up with a chainsaw. Years later I remembered he was a friend of mine’s Dad. :\

Answer #3

a ghost tried to possess me then it went away from me

Answer #4

mee tooo!! except that mine was scarier because i was like in a cave looking thing underground and there was something walking down the cave but i didnt know what it was i knew that i was being chased and there was stairs to get out of there and i would try to run up the stairs but i felt so heavy and slow like gravity was pushing me down and yeah then my dream would end right before whatever it was that was after me got me… ive had that dream more than once:/

Answer #5

:o when did you dream that?

Answer #6

When I was 5 I had this wierd dream… It’s like very dark… U can’t see anything… Whenever I walk I keep tripping on something Which I was sure were dead bodies… I try to run but there’s no way out… But still, I keep running and then I fall down… Like off a cliff but I’m not very sure since I couldn’t see… Well, I keep falling, and falling… It’s like a never ending drop.. And BAM!!! I wake up… It was the scariest dream ever! O.O Lol… I woke up screaming and crying…

Answer #7

Sometimes I dream that someone is choking me. I have been having that same dream on and off since I was small. I normally wake up right as the dream ends.

Answer #8

Scariest dream I’ve had is these goblins trying to get me… I was like in this place were there was huge walls and I was with my friend n other people. The goblins climbed over the fence n so we jumped this little fence and started running I looked back n the goblins were eating my friend o.o. I woke up n was so scared then I went back to sleep n had the same dream!!! The happiest dream I had was just of me n my bf.

Answer #9

my scareiest dream was when me and my family got attacked by zombies and i was like the only one alive. my best dream i ever had was when my mom won the lottery and we just started spending it on amazing things! lol :)

Answer #10

8 th or 9 th grade , 13 y ago

Answer #11

i saw a horrible dracula consistently following me for whole night. and when i first saw that i have passed my graduation and got a job

Answer #12

i remember one dream were i made a burn book of my class…like out of mean girls..and they found it 0.0 they were saying awful things to me and i woke up sobbing lol i think i was like 9

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