What's the scariest thing you've seen?

Answer #1

Well i would have to say when i seen my mom having her 2nd brain aneurysm. I was 13 and she was drivin, i was at home. my friend told me she saw my mom up the street in an accident. I went to her and she was convulsing and her eyes were rolled back in her head. Scared me sh!tless. I will always remember that day. she is alive and well now thank God

Answer #2

My reflection. :D

Answer #3

I don’t know if it’s the scariest thing I’ve seen, per say, but it was a very terrifying moment for me. The was one time, while I was still in high school that I had this dream that I got attacked by a big black dog in the concrete area between our two buildings. It was really vivid, and I am mildly afraid of large dogs that I don’t know. Anyways, so the next day I go to school, and at the end of the day I’m leaving, a little later than usual, and I walk out of one building to that area between the two so I can catch my bus. There’s a massive black dog walking through there. No leash on it, no one walking with it, it’s just running around free. I just kind of went paralyzed for a moment and couldn’t move. Eventually it wandered off a little ways, and I kept going where I was going, but it was a very strange experience.

Answer #4

My father’s dead body.

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