What's the best thing I can put on a burn (that I don't need to go to a doctor for)?

Answer #1

well my mom use to put like butter on burns or ice or coco butter or vaseline honey it depends on how severe the burn is

Answer #2

Cold water or cold compress only. Adding any lotions or butter to it will seal in the heat, causing further damage.

Answer #3

If you have a serious burn you need medical attention. Any burn on your face, sensitive areas or over 3” in diameter can be serious. Deep burns of any size are serious, take a long time to heal and require medical attention to reduce scarring and avoid infection. For serious burns put a clean wet cloth over them and if possible elevate them until you can see a doctor. For minor burns the best thing I’ve found is aloe verra. I keep a plant around and when I have a minor burn or irritation I just snip a piece off and either squeese some juice from it or cut one edge so I can open it up to put the inside against the burn. Pure aloe can sting a little but I haven’t found anything that promotes healing better than aloe.

Answer #4

You can put Aloe on it, it will help the burn heal. But if it is too serious, i recommend you go to a doctor.

Answer #5

i always put aloe vera on my burns and they heal up in a few days

Answer #6

Aloe Vera….best for burns

Answer #7

Toothpaste (not the gel). It draws the heat out quite fast. It’s what I do.

Answer #8

First thing after you get burned is cool it with cold water. Lots of it.

And then put ice cubes wrapped in a towel on the burn. Or a cooling pack. If you don’t have any of that, a solid block of clean, cool metal (such as a large CLEAN hammer head) can also be used for cooling. But only if the skin looks intact apart from the red color and has no bladders and the burned area is small enough.

And then put burn ointment on it. There’s special ointment to put on burns. You get it at the pharmacy.

DO NOT experiment and put any household stuff on it.

Aloe Vera is good for sunburns and similar light burns, but I would not use it to treat a burn from open fire, touching the herd or from boiling water.

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