What's the lifestyle of a juggalo?

Answer #1

To get whatever they can from people

Answer #2

To eat, sleep, breathe ICP, no matter the time or possible consequences. Personally, I don’t get it. It’s great to be a complete fan, but they take it just a little too far … it’s a band … meant for entertainment - not worship.

Answer #3

The lifestyle of a juggalo and juggalet is to be who you are when you want to be do wha you please. Most juggalos or juggalets idolize ICP but there are other musicians with the same style such as twistd and Dark Lotus. Also strongly believe in the benefits of legalizing marijuana. And the best part is you do you and be who you are and don’t give two shts about anyone elses opinions. Carry that fckin hachet proudly….

Answer #4

To forever be looked down upon by people who actually do things

Answer #5

Or not…….

Answer #6

uhm thats ignorant, if people want to live that way then let them live that way. it has nothing to do with you so dont “look down upon them” theyre people just like you, they just live differently. oh well, not a big deal so stop.

Answer #7

They follow icp some weird clown group Lol they live a certain lifestyle the hatchet man is a symbol of them

Answer #8

Juggalos are a family. One of the largest, most dedicated, most underground organizations in the Nation; there are dedicated Juggalo groups In most towns and cities. I have never met a Juggalo I didn’t like and I think people who pick on them or disrespect them are ignorant fools. I wouldn’t want to be on their bad side, knowing what I do :D

Answer #9

they live a certain lifestyle my question was what lifestyle do they live? lol thannks anywayys(:

Answer #10


Answer #11

wait you said “knowing what I do” what do you do? lol

Answer #12

by saying it that way I don’t have to type Know twice. Have you no sense of context?

Answer #13

your not understanding my question, i asked what do you do when people are on your bad side or something but whatever.

Answer #14

Hahaha. That’s funny ‘cause it’s true.

Answer #15

whats true?

Answer #16

To forever be looked down upon by people who actually do things

Answer #17

That’s not funny or true, at least in my opinion, it’s just an ignorant thing to say. It’s the way they choose to live so if you don’t disrespect them then they won’t you so no harm is done by just living different life styles.

Answer #18

well ask yourself: would I want a highly organized faction to consider me an enemy?

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