What's the best way for a female virgin to have sex?

Answer #1

The way everyone else does.

Answer #2

For one, you want to be totally ready. Never do it for pressure, or popularity. You’d start with foreplay, to start the mood. Kissing, cuddling, excetera.

for the woman it’s important to be wet. If the woman’s v-jay-jay does not get moist enough, then having sexual intercourse could be difficult or painful for her.

Always use protection.

The most common position for sex is the missionary position,where a woman lies on her back and a man lies on top of her.

:) Hope I helped.

Answer #3

Not very helpful..

Answer #4

Well your 15 so my advice is wait. I’m not going to tell you to wait till your married altho it is a good idea all I am going to say is wait untill it is right. find a boyfriend first. then let a relationship develop, it will happen when it is right, so just find a nice guy, date him, and if things are moving right then you can make that decision.

Answer #5

with a guy. cowgirl

Answer #6

I’d say the most important thing, though, is to make sure it’s the person you want to do it with. Make sure it’s happening because of the guy, or whoever. Because of him, and not because you just want to have sex: that’s not a good enough reason. If he’s not likely to take care of you and check every few seconds to make sure you’re not in too much pain and don’t want him to stop, then you might not want to give in to him.

Answer #7

^this. If she knew that, she wouldn’t be asking.

Answer #8

You need to make sure that you are completely ready , there is no turning back. If it’s not what you are wanting then it is going to hurt more than if you are relaxed and wanting it. make sure that you are nice and “hot” such as you have already been foreplaying such as kissing grabbing ect. Hope I helped :D

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