whats the dumbest thing you did for this summer?

Answer #1

Trusted someone I shouldn’t have.

Answer #2

went camping for one evening……..picnic i should say.

Answer #3

go to band camp lol

Answer #4

Cheated on the guy i was in love with

Answer #5

stayed home ALL summer… Literally

Answer #6

for the good or the bad

Answer #7

must have been awesome….=)

Answer #8

.. not really… lol!

Answer #9

oh that sucks

Answer #10

well it was one of the worst descisions i could of done and now were not togather… i made out with this guy in truth or dare cuz he convinced me that if its truth or dare- it doesnt count as cheating… we were wrong..

Answer #11

oh well, then if it was just truth or dare, then that doesnt really count. so, does ur boyfriend think it counts?

Answer #12

“one time in band camp”-american pie hahaha

Answer #13

whoa….. ): im sorry that happend ….

Answer #14

go to the dominican republic … without bug spray or sunscreen lol

Answer #15

whoa..umm probablyy failng summer school but fukkkkk this summer has been te bestest summer everrrr :)

Answer #16

aww i’m srry about that

Answer #17


Answer #18

at least you enjoy summer….

Answer #19

dont be mad because its over, be glad that you met him….

Answer #20

yeah well hes not my boyfriend anymore

i am glad i met him now were still bestfriends… but the thing is - ill always have feelings for him…

i have a new boyfriend now and i love him but i dont know if ill ever be able to love someone like i did him you kno?

Answer #21

yeah i know excactly how u feel

Answer #22

ohhhh umm thanks but i hope that urs wasnt that horrible :(

Answer #23

yah… oh well heh… :p

Answer #24


Answer #25

i no low brass had a “this one time in band camp” moment lol

Answer #26


Answer #27

like every time sumone says “one time” we go like “thiis one time in band camp..” like mocking them lol and like the fact that u said band camp cracked me upp (: lol

Answer #28

Think that ‘’it wasn’t going to be as hot as last year’’… boy, was that dumb thinking :P

Answer #29

=/ It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Thanks for caring though.

Answer #30

bad mistake… it does count as cheating if u know playing truth and dare..obliviously they will dare u to make out with some..oh well, u lost what u had BEST is to learn from wrong to right GL

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