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Whats the craziest/funniest thing you've ever done?
I attempted to toboggan off the roof of my friends house, crashed into a street light and broke my arm. I got really high and ran around ringing peoples doorbells and running away- naked :P I hung up a banner at the front of my school saying “The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware” in red paint :P There’s too many to say, lol.
Back in 9th grade, my teacher (best one yet) was teaching us about drinking, I had to do something, so I said “I drink……soda” and the entire class laughed hard
lmffao thats just awesome xD
Me and my bestfriend were at the mall, and there was a mini carousel there, so we decided to ride it. We almost broke the little horses. It was amazing lol.
Wildest or funniest thing you have ever done at a party? - 6 Answers
Im really bored so what is the wildest or funniest thing you have ever done at a party??
Worst thing you've ever been caught doing by your parents? - 5 Answers
Whats the worse thing you've ever been caught doing by your parents? :) Lol, I'm bored.
What's the crazyest thing you've done in 2009? - 2 Answers
The crazyest thing I have ever done was most probly that I went to a party without my parents knowing but it was a achole par...
Whats the funniest thing you ever seen? - 7 Answers
Whats the funniest thing you ever seen happen? The funniest thing that happened to me was... My neice was eating carrots wi...
Whats the worst film you've ever watched so far? - 8 Answers
Whats the worst film you've ever watched so far? 30 Days Of Night was the worst film I ever watched! No offence to people w...
Whats the funnest dare your partner has done? - 4 Answers
Whats the funnest dare your partner has done? Whats the funnest dare you have done? whats the stupidest thing you have done ...
Worst thing you've ever saw? - 13 Answers
Whats the worse thing you have ever seen?
What is the most exciting/embarrasing thing you've done? - 5 Answers
oook, well this is just to hear about people, and the exciting things everyone gets a chance to experience, rather it be you ...
Funniest Movie Ever! - 7 Answers
What is the funniest movie you've ever seen??? The funniest movie I've seen was Friday and Ace Ventura Pet Detective!
whats the best movie ever? - 4 Answers
whats your favourite movie?
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