What) Will this be safe???

My boyfriend and I are planning to have sex on new years. (dorky, I know =P) but I was wondering if this will be safe ; -Using a condom -Using spermicidal lube -Him taking it out before he comes

Will this be enough?

Answer #1

It’s not that I don’t know I just worry about pregnancy, stds are not an issue but I don’t need a baby on my hands. And I wasn’t really insulted I just can’t stand it when people judge because none of you know me. And abs0lutbellaa_x I didn’t ask for your insight on my sexual relationship itself.

Answer #2

Hey rosh,

I think ists wise of you to think and ask about contraception before you start having sex. But your profile sais you’re born october 1996. Is that correct? That makes you 13 years old. Means you’re waaay too young. I know I’m a kill-joy. But it’s a game for adults to play.

You should know that in most states, it’s illegal to have sex with a 13-year old. If your boyfriend is about your age, most european states will not punish him. But some states in the USA will! So if you live there, your boyfriend is any older than you are and somebody reports him to the police, he might go to prison for child abuse. It can happen. As you tell people here on the site that you plan to have sex with him, you’ve probably also told your friends. Just imagine one of them tells her mom and that mom goes to the cops. You don’t want to do that to him, do you?

Google for ‘age of consent’ and your states name to find out about the laws. and Browse for wikipedia.org and read about human reproduction, birth control and about sexually transmitted diseases. Do read it. Understand your body before you even think about having sex.

be safe the sheep

Answer #3

Hey, no offense. It wasn’t meant.

You ask about contraception on an advice webside. So I figure you don’t know much about it. I mean the female fertility cycle, hormons, contraception and everything. I wasn’t trying to insult you. Please don’t interpret it that way. I’m a mom. So please don’t blame me for talking like a mom. ;)

I looked up canada laws. It’s OK in your country for a 13-yr old to sleep with somebody with no more than 2 years of age difference. So you should be fine with the law. I read about US-courts who put a 17-year old in prison for sleeping with his 15-year old girl. So I thought I’d write it. Just in case. There’s many US kids on this site.

bye the sheep

Answer #4

your 13 keep your legs closed.

Answer #5

my boyfriend is 13 too, and I live in Canada, thanks. I think the condom would slip off if he was like 3 inches, but he’s not. I’m still a baby? Who are you to say that. you don’t know me. you don’t know my life. And I do understand my body I’m not like a retarded 8 year old. People don’t know who I am on here, and I won’t be telling my friends, because that is none of their business.

Answer #6

Condoms are made for grown ups and your still a baby. When you are younger the condom can slip off more easily. You also can have more of a risk of improperly using the contraceptive devices as well.

It’s a small chance but still a dumb choice.

Answer #7

it sounds like enough but its not 100% effective, because nothing is 100% effective so there will always be a chance of pregnancy if you have sex, no matter what you use however those things will make it a very, very small chance so you should be fine

Answer #8

Yeah, it be safe.. Enjoy

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