what was your most embarrasing moment.

what was your most embarrasing moment any answer is welcome thank you.

Answer #1

well my embarrsing moment was when I was chasing this girl cause she had my phone and wouldn’t give it back 2 me so I started chasing her and she ran in the street and be4 I got to the street there was a tree stump and I tripped on it and fell in the street in front of everyone. when I got up everyone was laughing at me but that wasn’t me most embarrasing. thats just one of them

Answer #2

Ok so I was at church and had a long elastic waist skirt. While on my was to another room I stepped on my skirt and it fell below my butt and every one behind me saw my underwear!

Answer #3

well my most embarassing moment was when I had to do a debate in front of my high school (2400 people) and I forgot my paper in the practice room.. I started arguing for the wrong side and EVERYONE started laughing at me..

Answer #4

I was at volleyball conditioning and we were running across the gym, I tripped over my own shoe(so pathetic lol) and skidded across the floor haha it hurt like a B*H

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