What's your most embarrasing moment?

What is your most embarrasing moment? hehe

Answer #1

I was flirting with a guy named Sam on the phone when I was about 12 years old. For some reason we had to hang up and my parents didn’t know I was talking to a boy. The phone rang again several seconds later so I said “what are you doing?” in a flirty way. My uncle says “I’m talking to you”. I almost fainted I was so embarassed …xP

Answer #2

before in school I was reading out something in class and then my pants fell down lol I was so embarrased

Answer #3

I was looking after 4 small kids once, one was my son. I had just cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom and was giving them lunch. I gave them a huge lecture on being clean and tidy and went on and on about it because they’d made a huge mess the day before.

Then one of them asked for ketchup. I got it out of the fridge for them and shook the bottle violently (I was still ticked off ) and I guess the top wasn’t on properly… bright red splashes of ketchup flew across the entire kitchen, the fridge, the cupboards, the floor, everywhere…

I was horrified… and felt completely humiliated! They were screaming with laughter. I had no choice but to join them.

Answer #4

I was on a field trip, and we went to this mall that had like, three stores that weren’t for old people, and we were in groups. Me and my friend started to walk into Victoria’s Secret, but our chaperone is kinda overprotective and wouldn’t let us in there. She’s like, ‘Girls you stay out of there!!!’ When she finally let us in, her daughter came with us and saw one bra and was like, ‘Oh my gosh ewww a bra!!’ She’s pretty immature. Lol. And then we were walking around, looking for hot guys, and we found a few. They walked up to us and started talking to us, and then our chaperone’s daughter came up to us and goes ‘Mom! They are talking to strangers!’ and her mom is like, ‘Girls get back with the group NOW!’

Answer #5

my most embarrasing moment is when I woz walking around with skirt partly tucked into my panties lol

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