What sport to play in HS

Im going to b a freshman in HS and I don’t know what sport I shuld tryout 4…I want to play field hockey because I am a all star at ice hockey so I know that I’ b good at field hockey bt I want to b on the swim team because I was on my city’s swim team and we won 2 championships. SO WHAT SHULD I TRYOUT 4???

Answer #1

so what do you want to prove? that your athletic and evrythin?huh? lol… you decide..it depends,,swimming is much cooler..com on swimming is part of the olympics! ;)

Answer #2

Personally, I would go with swimming and it seems that you are already quite good at it. One of the reasons I love swimming is because it is both an individual sport and a team sport. I love field hockey too. Which sport do you see yourself enjoying more and training harder for? On another note: Do what you want to do, not what your friends are doing or what people on this board (including me!) tell you you should play. Good luck, work hard and have fun!

Answer #3

baseball is always wonderful.

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