What should I do with boyfriend issues?

Hello everyone. I need your help today. Well, everything starts like this. I have been with my boyfriend for about two years. He is a very jealous person, and I have been feed up with everything you can imagine. He doesn’t want me to have a a social site a a social site, doesn’t want me to have friends, let’s just say he wants to have me in a “glass cage” the rest of my life. I love him but I have no courage too break up. Every time I do, I come running back crying and I feel horrible. But, I meet this other guy that can be called a man. He doesn’t complain, but he is my best friends brother. I have been talking to him for a while. But I am afraid of hurting him because he is so sweet and I feel stuck in between to guys. I pray for help and I feel like I have no answer. deep inside I feel so bad. I feel like I am playing them. I don’t want to do that. What would you do? I would love to hear you opinion. Thank you.

P.S. And how can I tell the other guy that I would like to stop talking to him without hurting him.

Answer #1


Answer #2

I’ve been in a position before where the guy I was with sounded exactly like the guy you’re dating. He was jealous, and he wanted to take every chance away that I could meet other people. It got so bad that he actually complained when I wanted to spend time with family. He didn’t even want me to go away for college because there would be other guys there. It was silly. I loved him for all of the other things he was, though, and that made letting him go next to impossible. Sound familiar?

What did I do? Well, it was tough and did hurt in the beginning, but I did break up with him. Looking back, I believe that it was for the best. I wasn’t happy and the quality of life I had with him was horrible. I had no friends, I didn’t go out, and I felt guilty for everything I did that he didn’t approve of. Basically, I was living the life he wanted me to. Not the one I wanted. And, well, living life happy and free now made me realize just how unhealthy the relationship was. It IS unhealthy to be in that kind of a relationship, and it only gets worse and worse.

So.. my suggestion? Get out of this relationship. You’re young, and you deserve to enjoy life. No one should tell you how to live it, especially not your partner. If he loved you, he would not treat you that way. He would trust you and care about you enough to let you make your own decisions. It will hurt, I won’t lie, but you will feel better as time goes by. You’ll feel free.. you’ll be free. When it’s tough, lean on family and friends. Stay strong. You can get through it.

As for the other guy, don’t jump into a relationship with him too soon after getting out of this one. Allow yourself time to heal first. Focus time on YOU and let yourself enjoy life a little first. Find yourself again.

If you ever want to talk about it, feel free to funmail me. I’m always here to listen.

Take care.

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