What should I do to get rid of the cramps when im on my period?

I’m sick of these cramps. I hate them and I just want to get rid of them.

Answer #1

Exercise, pain medication, heating pads and even masturbation can help alleviate menstrual cramps.

Answer #2

bannanz help a lot even though I h8 em but I read it sumwere :)

Answer #3

Have you tried pain medication? (Tylenol, Midol) If that doesnt help you should go to the doctor and get checked out. They may be able to provide you with something stronger to help alleviate the pain.

Answer #4

ahahaha I was surprised to see 112233_ashi advice!! because eatting a banana works for me too!! I can’t remember why they sooth the craps, but they do! taking Mydol also helps too (off the counter pills that are made special to relieve menstrational cramps) but after awile my body didn’t respond to them, so my doctor perscribed me some pills. you may want to do the same if your cramps are sever!

Answer #5

Bananas soothe cramps because the contain potassium and magnesium.

Ibuprofen and a heating pad should also help relieve cramps, so should drinking some magnesium.

Furthermore exercise is probably the best ways to get rid of cramps (not nice to exercise while you have them - but they feel a lot better afterwords)

Answer #6

Don’t eat a lot of greasy foods, eat plenty of yogurt, and drink lots of water. Also, Try putting a heating pad right on your stomach, and if you don’t have that, use a 2-liter bottle, and put hot water in it, it will really help trust me. Make sure you take Pampern, or midol. Just don’t over do it. (the medication that is). So, stay away from anything greasy, and eat some fruit. :]

  • Advice Girl, (:
Answer #7

Eat Light foods (broth, salads- like you would if you had the flu),fresh or powdered ginger w/ hot water, honey and some lemon. Ginger is an alternative pain reliever. Drink it as spicy as possible. This helps with both my cramps and back pain. Drink room temperature water, warm soothing tea. Hot shower has also helped. I use crawl up with a heating blanket as well.

The Tylenol3’s, prescribed Motrin stopped working for me. My Doctor refused to give me anything stronger. I would be in class with my head on my desk, doubled over in pain, crying as my instructor was having a fit because I wasn’t paying attention. Once I was over 18, I was able to donate blood plasma. The anti-clotting serum that was put back in helped to keep me from clotting during that time of the month. After a couple months, I didn’t need any pain pills.

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