What's the fastest way to kill a zit?


Answer #1

put on aquafresh over night on a band aid to make it dry out and fall off with no scars

Answer #2

ermmm maybe you should change what your using on your face. I buy everything from lush. all there cleanses have worked amazingly. fresh farmacy from lush got reid of all my zits

Answer #3

I dont see you coming up with anything… and so you know you dont get scars I’ve been popping zits all my adolescent life and I have no scars or anything like that

Answer #4

the best way to do a zit if you pop it make sure you git all the puss out and put a dag of toothpast on it it will keep it clean and dry it out withount damaging your skin as alcahol it works withount poping it to

Answer #5

alcohol will dry it out, but if you already popped it, put toothpaste on the spot over night. I know, it sounds stupid, but it eliminated all of the redness.

Answer #6

Honestly, I don’t think there really is a mega-fast way of getting rid of zits, besides popping them. Just remember to wash you face every night with soap and don’t touch your face too much, as the oil on your hands will case the pores to plug up. If the acne is really bad, you could try and get a proscription from your doctor. If you go for the proscription stuff, I highly recommend you try Differin. It worked great for me. Of course, everyone is different, so what worked for me may not work for someone else. Experiment and see what works for you. Non-proscription medication like Spectro and Proactive are a couple of things you could try too.

Answer #7

Warm towels, cleanse your face do not pop them, it will leave you scarred trust me I have a scar from when I was 16 to this day.

Answer #8

just make sure its not near your nose and mouth, and dont pop it.. trust me, severe thing can happen..

Answer #9

try not to pop it,toothpaste works 4 me

Answer #10

pop it

Answer #11

calm down.. its just a high risk. sorrry

Answer #12

try alcohol because that’ll dry it out

Answer #13

The fastest? Pop it. But it can damage your skin. Try a sugar scrub or put some tooth paste on it & it should help it go away faster(or both). Best of luck.

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