What's the difference between emo and goth?

…between goth and emo?

Answer #1

emo is someone who is really emotional, but does not like to show it. they usually dont where all black, but lots have self-esteem issues. Also, a lot of emo guys get long bangs and where skinny jeans. Goth people are usually depressed and think about death and violence a lot. they wear all black mostly, and usually hate life and themselves. I dont want to say this is how all emo and goth people are tho because sometimes they have different issues and ideas and I dont want to degrade any of them. hope this helped! :-)

Answer #2

Yeah, ok, you’re both wrong, but at least you’re a little closer, Mrs. Cobain.

I don’t really care about emo, so I’m not bothering with that, but I’ve been in the goth scene for a pretty long time, so I’ll explain that.

Goth people are not violent, and usually don’t really think about violence. Goth people might think about death more than other people, but this isn’t because they’re suicidal or depressed, it’s because they tend to be more intellectual, and accept that death is part of life. A goth tends to dress in all black, but not always. Goth fashion would not include chains, bondage pants, or whiteface makeup. Nope. Goth fashion would include Victorian-inspired blouses, ripped up fishnets, tight black jeans, or long lacy skirts.

Goths are generally not depressed, and the ones I know tend to be happier than the non-goths.

Onto gothic music: Gothic music does not usually sound like church music, and female operatic singers are NOT common in gothic rock. You’re thinking of Nightwish most likely, a band that is NOT gothic, they are power metal. Gothic music is characterized by light use of organs, usually low vocals (I.e. an alto), heavy bass lines, and usually simple drum beats.

And the word “goth” is not used to describe one who dresses in all black. Nuns are not goth. The word “goth” is used to describe a person who is a fan of gothic rock. For example, me. I’m a goth, but sometimes I dress in a pink shirt with rainbows on it. I’m still goth as hell, because I’m a huge fan of gothic rock.

Answer #3

thanks so much.

Answer #4

emo is someone who is really emotional, but does not like to show it. they usually dont where all black, but lots have self-esteem issues. Also, a lot of emo guys get long bangs and where skinny jeans. Goth people are usually depressed and think about death and violence a lot. they wear all black mostly, and usually hate life and themselves. I dont want to say this is how all emo and goth people are tho because sometimes they have different issues and ideas and I dont want to degrade any of them. hope this helped! :-)

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