What is your opinion on the issues in the movie Expelled?

I was just wondering what people thought about the movie, and the religious issues talked about in it.

Answer #1

They used a portion of John Lennin’s ‘imagine’ (imagine there’s no heaven, …) song without obtaining permission and were sued by his estate to stop distribution. They argued in court that the usage fell under the fair usage act, since the entire movie is basically a refutation of that song. …thereby admitting that ID is religion in disguise rather than valid science - a point that has already been established in prior court cases.

They had to argue that the movie is religious propoganda in order to continue distributing it as scientific persecution.

It’s all lies.

Answer #2

it’s funny there are scientiest that work to prove in the bible, funny thing though, they’re begining to believe it’s all a medifore & such, but their religous people that are doing the reseearch funny aye? & then they’ll just repeat things in the bible wthout evedence suporting it then they say god did the big bang yet the big bang was axtualy caoused by to parrallel unicerses that collidied, the ripples are what formed the clumps of mattter they’re just trying to get you to think everyone’s out to get them it’s a bunch of BS lol

sry if there’s any mispelled words I’m sugar high of an energy drink lol

Answer #3

Haven’t seen it, I’m afraid, and from the dearth of answers, I many not be alone. Would you like to give us some details?

Answer #4

* But I would certainly feel some sympathy for a student who had to write a paper about evolution and what supports it when they don’t even believe in it.

I guess I don’t feel much pity. They could always rattle off what they were taught in class, and then finish the paper with

“…but the scientific method does not ask us to provide evidence for our theories, as much as it demands that we test them.”

The student could thus demonstrate he knew what had been taught, and also protest against the assignment in an acceptable manner.

Answer #5

“But I must say, evolution is not valid science either…”

You must say it, huh? And what makes you must say it? What exaclty is your expertise that enables to make such a judgement?

I had never heard of this movie, but from what I have just read, it is more of the same from the ID crowd. Making crap up and calling it science. When asked to prove their theories, they change the subject by claiming a conspiracy of atheist scientists are supressing them. How dare those scientists ask for evidence of their “theory”…

Answer #6

It’s garbage. See here for just some of the press about it: http://scienceblogs.com/strangerfruit/2008/04/expelled_now_with_added_antise.php

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