What is this? Is it a ghost?

I was just watching a video from new years night, and the video was just of my dad dancing in the living room. And I saw this White circle thing float quickly past him, then it came back again. And the other night I had a sleepover with friends in the same room and I saw it again when I was recording from my phone, it scared me so much ;S what is this??

Answer #1

Well from the sounds of it,, its a ghost orb. Umm, ever heard of EVP, or electronic voice phenomenon? Its like that, I think its called spirit photography what you did, I’ve seen photos of funerals, (my friend showd me) and there were orbs above the coffin. (please dont think im crazy) haha hope this helps

Answer #2

well I agree with both of them. I’d need to see the video or picture to determine what it is. One thing you could do is get a recorder like fruityfruity said and ask it questions. You could also sprinkle some powder on the floor and in the morning see if there are tracks through it

Answer #3

it could be a orb [I don’t know how to spell it] but ye try what [fruityfruity] said or look up ghost orbs in pictures on a website and see if it looks like yours

Answer #4

Hm. I agree with beccamskid. You’d need to see the video and picture or whaever. A way to test it, is get a camera (digital) that records video and see if you see any ghosts. Like ask questions “Where are you from?” “How did you die?” and things like that. Or put salt on a table, then say “Write something.”

Answer #5

well the light might have been an glare on the camera and when it was with your friend it could be the same thing but posibley it could be a gost tho I would have to see the vidio first tho to diside it is probubly the glare but it could be a gos I honestly bealive in them

Answer #6


Answer #7

No. Ghosts do not exist.

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