What is the difference between scene and emo?

What is the difference between scene and emo?

Answer #1

I’m glad I could help. :) I’ll add you as a friend!

I like the style of scene, but not many of my clothes look scene or emo or anything, maybe I should change my hair…sorry ranting alittle haha.

Answer #2

I never knew there was a scene, well scene is much brighter than emo. Emo is mostly black colored clothing, scene is like pink but also got the emo look to it. Just most bright colors.

Answer #3

scene=better emo consists of people who think their life sucks and they complain when in reality they are posers. scene people are more of the out crowd or the people like with skinny jeans and hardcore music the people who dont try to fit in but they fit in with the other people who are out ha if that makes since

Answer #4

scene is a cross between “skater” and “emo” styles.

Answer #5

really? that’s it?

Answer #6

awesome. I barely got an acount, like, today… :D

Answer #7

Yeah in some senses, here is a better defintion.

Scene=a person who is assoiciated with the modern music scene, usually being hardcore/punk rock type music. Pays close attention to the latest fashion trends and usually tries to make their own. Usually has a myspace featuring dinosaurs guns etc. Usually has Long hair on guys and shorter hair on girls which is usually died different colors. Sometimes they are very elitist especially to youths who copy their personal styles. Some fashion trends of scene kids are girl pants, band tee shirts, bandanas, vans, converses, shirts with dinosaurs/guns etc, large sunglasses, polka dots, head bands, large jewelry.

Emo=Person who listens to emotional music, and usually cry and dont mosh at their concerts. Kinda of like goths but less ugly and more emotional. Usually rant about how unfair the world is and how their last boyfriend/girlfriend was the only one they will ever love. Many jokes about them being suicidal but mainly they are doing it for attention.

Answer #8

Scenes are stupid fuckers who failed to be emo. Emos are people who have their hair covering their eyes, listen to depressing music, do self-harm, and wear black.

Answer #9

thanks, its because some people tell me that im scene and others tell me that im emo I didnt know the difference soo… I think im more scene than emo anyway I don’t know

Answer #10

Scene and Emo are different. Emo people tend to be more thoughtful and emotional and sensitive. Not all Emo people cut, and not all cutters are Emo. Also, Emo people can be just as crazy and outgoing as scene people. Scene people tend to live in the here and now, while Emo people spend a lot of time thinking about things past, present, and future. You don’t need certain hair, clothes, music, makeup, or anything to be one or the other. What makes you one or the other is what you’re like when no one else is around. Do you keep to yourself or are you constantly on the move? Emo people tend to like to have alone time, but they still like to hang out with friends too! Scene people are usually in constant motion, busy, excited, constantly with friends, but they do need alone time to unwind every once in a while! Emo people tend to need more “unwinding time” than scene people is all.

I’m not gonna tell you whether I’m scene or emo or what I wear or what my hair is like. That’s no one’s business but my own. I just want to try to help clear things up. I don’t see why everyone needs to be hating on each other because they’re this or that or the other thing. I have friends from every group imaginable, and they’re all wonderful people.

So please stop ragging on each other and let people be who they want to be. Whether you accept it or not is your choice, but don’t throw insults. Please.


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