What is the best thing that ever happened to you?

What is the best thing ever happen 2 u

Answer #1

well, im 21 and life has kicked me in the balls on several occasions. and I think back, nothings really worked out for me at all. I’ve been single for the past year and a half now and just can’t seem to find a good girlfriend. So I would have to say the invention of alcohol is the best thing that ever happend to me. lol, thats sad

Answer #2

I Added The Guy I really liked on msn, He said he liked me too so we met up and he asked me out a year ago,

We’ve had our ups and downs but were still together now

He’s the best thing thats ever happened to me =]

Answer #3

I don’t know, there have been so many wonderful moments in my life.

getting accepted into uni. getting 97% on a maths exam at uni I would have sworn I had failed. (I was gunna explode I was so happy lol!) having my two children, and them both being healthy… I think these are my best. from a mum perspective, the kids were obviously the best thing (along with seeing them take their first steps etc)

but as a person, uni has to be my pride and joy - oh and passing my driving test (on the 6th time lol!)

Answer #4

Sometimes, when he comes to sit next to me and we talk and talk all day it was, amazing!!!

Answer #5

Nothing yet

Answer #6

Falling in love with the man I am with today :)

Answer #7

My kids. Absolutely and without a doubt!!

Answer #8

There have been so many, but the one thing that changed my life forever was having my son. It is a indescribable feeling! :)

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