Do Scientologists worship God?

Do they worship God?

Answer #1

Here’s a lot of pro/con info:

Take care !!

Answer #2

Yer I want to kow to I was on the main scientology website the other day and it was freaky. I wonder should they make tom cruise come on here and advice us lol

Answer #3

Scientologists are NOT the same as scientists. I feel sorry for those who don’t know the difference.

Answer #4

No, though scientology isn’t totally incompatible with belief in a christian god. What they believe is… complicated and frankly, insane. In short, the world is (apparrently) populated with ‘thetans’, sort of ghosts, which effectively possess people, and are the cause of all the world’s ills.

Where thetans came from is even more fun: Apparrently someone called Xenu had an overpopulation problem on his planet(s), so he shipped billions of people to earth, stacked them like cordwood around volcanoes, then blew the volcanoes up with nuclear weapons. Thetans are the ‘spirits’ of these people.

And if that level of craziness doesn’t scare you off, I don’t know what will.

Answer #5

Some of them worship GOD. Some scientists don’t. I feel sorry for the unbeilevers.

Answer #6

scientists are definitely NOT the same as scientologists. my parents are both scientists and believe me, they are NOT scientologists.

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