What is one of your biggest dreams you want to come true?

Mine: To have a successful career and family with nice house and lots of land. House with in-ground swimming pool. I would like to be the creator of a smash hit video game that goes world-wide.

Those are just a couple of mine. So what about yours?

Answer #1

To get through college and lead a Godly life. To get married and maybe have kids. (not too sure on that one) possibly adopt one. :) Travel around the world with the love of my life! ( I really want to go to Africa) Become an artist! Then die old and happy with my husband. :)

Answer #2

I want to be a CSI agent while rasing my daughter,who will arive in a few months, and live happily with my soon-to-be-husband. I what to live in a large city but live in the outskirts of town in one of the suburbs. Well this and finally turn 18.

Answer #3

Meeeting my favorrite celeebs :) (justtinbieber) having the best life I could having my dream house go everywhere in the world :D

Answer #4

My dream is…(not to steal yours,this is mine too.)I would go to a college,find a nice guy,get married,adopt 2 or 3 kids then to live in a beautiful house with my family..I have my dream job and get paid a lot and travel a lot(but not too much!;)!!!)

Answer #5

well I want to meet lil wayne. (probably will!:):D I want this modeling thing that just happened to be real && not a scam

Answer #6

Travel to all the places I want, Write a book and it be a big thing around the world, Meet masashi Kishimoto (creator of naruto) and have nice family and house - successful career

Answer #7

anything, whether itd be aliens attacking earth and we fight, me bein rich. some of my dreams are highly artistic. like one time in my dream I was walkin in the suburbs in the hills, kinda like california. and there was a sunset and a planet close by, then all of a sudden everyone drove to this gigantic ufo so they could leave earth. so I went to then realized I forgot something at home so I jacked someones lambo and drove pretty damn fast. I wish I had the artistic skills to express my thoughts and dreams.

Answer #8

to have children!! I also want to get my PhD and become a research scientist but children come first!

Answer #9

Just to be with the love of my life, for a very long time. ;)

Answer #10

To get over my insecurities :/

Answer #11

Successful career, marriage + kids, possibly write a book. :)

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