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its a league where you play all different levels and teams the season is about jan-june local teams (lowest level) cost about $1200 regional teams(play all over state) are about $ 2200 and national teams ( same as regional but qualify for jr olympics) are 3300 hope I helped
P.S I play for regional at Coast
club volley ball is like a separate league of teams from school teams. it’s for more advanced players and the teams travel more. it’s actually very expensive too. one season can take over $1500 out of your pocket because they have a whole lot more equipment. You know like how there’s school basketball teams and then there’s the NBA. well the NBA has better equipment and so does club volleyball. does that help you?
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what are the positions in a motorcycle club?
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To play or not to play volleyball? - 1 Answers
Should I play volleyball? I got and industrial piercing 2 weeks ago but I thought I wasnt gonna play but now I kinda want too...
Volleyball how do I get better? - 7 Answers
So I played volleyballl on a really competitve club travel team but when I came back to school I made the jv2 team becuase so...
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Ok so I just started getting interested in volleyball around March, and I'm about to go into my freshman high school year. I ...
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I am looking to buy the 2008 Nike sasquatch sumo-2 fairway wood. I have always played a steel shaft and can't find a steel s...
What if I dont like my volleyball coach? - 1 Answers
My volleyball coach is pretty much my moms best guy friend. & he's a good guy & everything, but there's something about him I...
Golf clubs - 1 Answers
How much is a Walter Hagen Haig Ultra driver? The number on it is a 5. So please help me, and the model is 66430
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Club Octubre 947
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