What do you think about the soul?

In your opinion, what is a soul?

Answer #1

There’s no such thing as an actual soul, it’s just a term people use to refer to their identity, thoughts, emotions, and personality. In reality, all of these things are part of the material body.

Answer #2

a soul can’t be defined…it just ‘is’…it’s the thing that makes us giggle..the thing that makes us hurt, the thing that makes us passionate…

I think it’s something that ‘we’ are…I don’t think it’s a ball of smoke or an electrical energy ball…I think it’s undefinable..it’s unique to each person…

Answer #3

There is a soul. It is a beautiful creation made by God. I hope you all find God and Jesus, they love you and I love them.

Answer #4

The concept of a soul originated in ancient times when there was no understanding of what made a body be alive rather than dead. They attributed the difference to an invisible animating force, called a soul.

Today, we understand what makes something be alive rather than dead. There is no longer a place for a soul. People who don’t want to give up the ancient myths of life beyond death changed the concept of a soul to mean ‘the invisible force behind intelligence’. Well guess what, we’re starting to understand intelligence as well, so the definition of a soul is in flux again. Now it’s being reinterpreted as the invisible and unmeasurable seat of ‘awareness’. I wonder what they’ll morph it into after we understand that as well.

They’ll never give up this game.

Answer #5

The soul is the mind, will and emotions.

Answer #6

A soul is like…this simple math problem!!

somone -their body



Answer #7

There isn’t one - or at least, there’s absolutely no reason to suppose one exists.

Answer #8

there’s no such thing as a soul. it’s only a human body and mind

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