Best way for parents to show...

that they love you??

    • just wonderin
    •                      * *
Answer #1

to best way is to respect me, give me my space and let me be who I am & accept me for who I am no matter what

Answer #2

to accept you for who you are, have unconditional love, and respect and trust you.

Answer #3

By showing me respect, trusting me and teaching me how to be a strong and independent woman.

Answer #4

In our home: Its love.

I lead by example. I want my children to be able to look up to me and use me as a positive example as what an adult should be.

If I discipline my daughter, It always begins with, “I love you, but you shouldn’t have …” (as an example)

Also we stress the positives as oppose to the negatives in their lives. When my daughter does something good - like help me out or great grades in school - thats all I’ll talk about and when she’s around I make sure to tell everyone how great she’s doing.

Answer #5

Just be ther for me all the time

Answer #6

the best thing a parent can give there child is a few minutes of there time each day

Answer #7

To respect you, love you, support you and help you no matter what happens

Answer #8

By taking me to a school that’s ten minutes away, just so I can play basketball there. Taking me to every practice. And taking me to games that are 30 mins, hour, two hours away. Also, supporting me with everything I do.

Answer #9

for them to respect and help me whenever I need it…

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