What do I get for my girlfriend for Valetines Day(Early Thinking)?

Im 13 and I wanna get my girlfriend something nice.Im thinking early cause it may be hard.I have no clue what to buy but I had a small idea.

Answer #1

Make sure you have Christmas first. But like the one above thats good.

Answer #2

Girls love chocolate, just dont get her fat free kind, she’ll think your trying to hint that she’s fat. But I love the idea at the top.

Answer #3

Buy her a basket with a stuffed animal or something and some candies inside the basket. Then put a big balloon on top xD I’ve always wanted one like that :’(

Answer #4

(: okay my boyfriend went all out and got me a hollister jacket…with a teddy bear and chocolate and a bouqet of red roses(: I thought it was really sweet…but I bet he spent a lot on that stuff which I didnt like much because I didnt want the guilt of knowin he spend soo much on me…so maybe if your on a buget get her roses because its always cute., and you will have her friends jelouse. lol but yeah

Answer #5

You should get her an card and roses (:

  • Jassiebabyy
Answer #6

give her something that wont cost ANY money, SEX. Lol, jk. Maybe like a card and a romantic walk on the beach :) im 14 so yeah, that’s what I like.

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