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What do I get for my girlfriend for Valetines Day(Early Thinking)?
Im 13 and I wanna get my girlfriend something nice.Im thinking early cause it may be hard.I have no clue what to buy but I had a small idea.
Make sure you have Christmas first. But like the one above thats good.
Girls love chocolate, just dont get her fat free kind, she’ll think your trying to hint that she’s fat. But I love the idea at the top.
Buy her a basket with a stuffed animal or something and some candies inside the basket. Then put a big balloon on top xD I’ve always wanted one like that :’(
(: okay my boyfriend went all out and got me a hollister jacket…with a teddy bear and chocolate and a bouqet of red roses(: I thought it was really sweet…but I bet he spent a lot on that stuff which I didnt like much because I didnt want the guilt of knowin he spend soo much on me…so maybe if your on a buget get her roses because its always cute., and you will have her friends jelouse. lol but yeah
You should get her an card and roses (:
- Jassiebabyy
give her something that wont cost ANY money, SEX. Lol, jk. Maybe like a card and a romantic walk on the beach :) im 14 so yeah, that’s what I like.
What should I get my boyfriend for valetines day? - 1 Answers
I have like no clue as to what to ge him.. and like I dont want to get him something corny.. I've been tryng for the past cou...
What to get my girlfriend for Valentine's Day? - 3 Answers
Hey people I don't know what to give my girlfriend on Valentine's. She said she does not want anything expensive and that she...
What's the best thing to get my girlfriend for Valentine's Day? - 3 Answers
What would be the best thing to get my girlfriend for Valentine's Day?
What shoud I get a 14 year old girlfriend for Valentinesday? - 1 Answers
Valentine's day is in 4 days and I finally built enough curage to ask her out today and I want to make our first Valentine's ...
Think your significant other is buying your for valentines day - 2 Answers
What do you think your significant other is buying your for valentines day? Or do you want to be suprised
What should I get him for valentines day? - 3 Answers
There's this guy that I like a lot. He likes me too. But he told my friend that he wasn't going to ask me out until he was re...
valentines day what do I get him? - 1 Answers
okay ... so my boyfriend for valentines day is buying me a box of chocolate and a tedddy bear... what do I get him ?
What to get a guy for Valentine's Day? - 2 Answers
what are some good things to get a guy for valentines day???
what to get a guy for valentines day? - 2 Answers
what to get a guy for valentines day???
What to get my girlfriend for birthday ??? - 1 Answers
Just wanted to know what to get my 15, turning 16 girlfriend for her birthday. Any ideas. Thanks for the help.
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