What do I do about him with out losing him?

OK…so I dont know what I should do I mean I know that my boyfriend loves me but sometimes he dose not show it like he will tell me he will call me back and then he dosn’t and he would rather go mak emoney then talk to me or see me or not leave his house and sleep all day I just dont know what to do I mean the sex is graet and I love him but all the rest of the stuff just hurts me and makes me mad what do I do?

Answer #1

“he would rather go mak emoney then talk to me” Why is that a problem? That means that he is financially stable, atleast you have a boyfriend who works hard for his money, and is not a bum borrowing money from you all the time.

“he will tell me he will call me back and then he dosn’t” I forget to call my fiance all the time. Things do come up, maybe he’s just busy or forgetful. You said he works a lot so I’m sure that he’s busy.

“not leave his house and sleep all day” If he’s working all the time, I’m sure on his days off he likes to sleep in, I know I did.

It sounds to me like you are either really needy, or you are just looking for reason’s to dump him. If your unhappy, then by all means break up with him. Although the reason’s you gave do not sound like he is at fault at ending the relationship.

Answer #2

Well if it’s this kind of situation then maybe it’s just because he works a lot and very hard to have money in his wallet and mybe he doesn’t talk to you as much because he is very tired and just want to get some rest, all you need to do is reassure him that you love him, you’ll always going to be there if he needs you, and that he can always come to you about anything. Just give him some time to get things going and it’ll come to that time where when he really needs somebody you’re there for him

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice