What did you eat today?

What did you eat today for breakfast lunch and din? LoLz…random question! :D

Answer #1

breakfast I had a whole protein wheat muffin with some butter on it and a cup of soy. lunch I had a slice of pizza with popcorn dinner I had 4 peanut butter and fluff sandwiches. then I went to a movie and I had 2 gummi bears that my friend gave me.

Answer #2

Breakfast: Wasn’t awake in time for breakfast.

Lunch: French fries and chicken nuggets.

Dinner: Boiled dinner. (Ham, carrots, potatoes, cranberry sauce.)

Snacks: Banana nut muffin between lunch and dinner. Ice cream a few minutes ago.

Answer #3

breakfest nothing lunch nothing dinner a sandwich apple sauce cucumber

Answer #4

Waffles pizza burger (I ate out lot 2day)

Answer #5

lolz im answerin my own question B: cereal with skim milk. raisin bran. =) L: turkey sandwich on wheat. D: chicken, broccoli and sum potatoes…thats a lot. :( S: small yellow apple :)

Answer #6

Breakfast: Nothing…had no time to eat breakfast… had to catch the bus Lunch: Nothinggg Dinner: Rice hehe

Answer #7


Answer #8

for breakfast I had some waffles that I shared with my nephew… then for lunch I had some hamburger helper and green beans and for dinner I had a bowl of ramen noodles… beef, because they’re my favorite…

Answer #9

a christmas tree debbie cake for breakfast no lunch(me and my boyfriend sit outside and I want to have all the time wit him I can) and a baconnator from Wendy’s for supper

Answer #10

Eggs and a Lucozade for breakfast BBQ chicken, fries and salad for lunch Potato pie for dinner

Answer #11

nothing, im anorexic… I drank a ton of ice water and chewed gum

Answer #12

Slim shake drink at 11.AM 2 taquitos Lunch nothing for dinner.

Answer #13

oatmeal for breakfast soup and salad for lunch maybe take out for dinner?

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