What are some core values in American society

any comments

Answer #1

“It is already very sad, when compared with the America that I knew growing up.”

The America we knew when we were growing up? Silverwings, we are close to the same age. You mean the america where women didn’t receive equal pay and were treated as second class citizens. Or the America where African Americans could not vote, had to sit in the back of the bus, were attacked for daring to want to attend a “whites only” school, were killed and their killers were set free? The america where jews were not allowed to stay in some hotels, or eat in some restaurants, where there were signs posted that said “no dogs, no ni___ers, no jews allowed”? The america where the mentally handicapped were tortured in hospitals?

I do not wax poetic over the “good old days” because they were not good for all, only a few.

And as for returning to the “core values” of the america of our youth? No thank you.

Answer #2

All those things that have been held in high esteem

By ‘All those things’ she means ONE thing… Christian oppression… she wants it back…

Answer #3

The American society doesn’t have any true values. Every American wants money. They will do whatever it takes to get it.

Answer #4

All those things that have been held in high esteem, in years past, are now being redefined, things that used to mean something, now, have little to no meaning, the fight is on, to perserve what little of our belief system remains, however, the opposing forces are very determined to have their way, by putting no meaning on anything. It is already very sad, when compared with the America that I knew growing up. And I see very little hope for the future, without a series of miracles. I know this is probably not what you wanted to hear, but, it is the way that I see it, after having some 50 odd years of observance and participation. I am very glad that I do not have young children to raise, in the days in which we live.

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