What am I supposed to do when im horny

Really! Im a girl and I dont know what to do1 I need some really good masterbating tips to get me going

Answer #1

To start, I’d like it to be known that I’m a guy, so I’m gonna know less about this than most girls that are going to respond.. Now, with that in mind..

I’m probably more embarassed for answering this than you are for asking it, but my answer would have to be porn.

Of course, almost all porn is geared towards guys, but just remember rule 34. If you can imagine it, there’s a porn of it.. You’re bound to find something that trips your trigger. lol, it’s a pun..

And try makeshift dildos(I’m assuming your not old enough to buy real ones..) instead of just your fingers if you’re looking for something new. I’ve heard hairbrush handles work well.

Answer #2

There are loads of ways for girls to masturbate, using their own fingers or objects ranging from pens to large vibrating dildos. You can watch porn videos or just masturbate to a porn picture. If you dont want penetration, you can just rub your clit until you cum. While masturbating, you can fondle your breasts or rub/finger your asshole with your other hand. There are lots of websites concerning ways to masturbate. Just check them out in the web. =)

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