What about herpes?

ok I drank out of my friends soda bottle and I didnt relize she had a cold sore !! will I end up getting cold sores? herpes? omg im so scared !

Answer #1

Agreed with samo, check your underagarment. Cold sores are contagious next time try not to share drinks.

Answer #2

There are two types of herpes.

Simplex 1 and simplex 2.

simplex 1 is cold sores around the mouth and can be transmitted through saliva.

simplex 2 is sores around the genitals and is sexually transmitted.

The two differ from where the virus settles in the spine… the upper part and it comes out the closest mucus opening - your mouth. Lower and it comes out the closest mucous opening - your genitals.

Many people have one type of herpes but do not develop any sores. You can have herpes for many years before ever actually getting a sore. They may “pop up” when your immune system is lower.

Don’t use utensils, cups or toothbrushes after someone and be careful who you kiss! Also ALWAYS use a condom.

hope this helps.

xox Sika

Answer #3

what am I suppose to be looking for in my underwear ?

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