Weight Troubles :(

Ok. Im sixteen almost seventeen years old, 5’4 and one hundred thirty pounds. I know it may sound like im skinny, but imnot really. From my waist down is fine, but everything I eat seems to go to my mid section. It looks like im pregnant when I stick it out. So im constantly sucking my ‘gut’ in. I just dont feel pretty with it. And the thing I dontunderstand is that I eat very healthy and I work out every morning in my fitness class… plus do numerous things during the day to burn calories but nothing is working… I dont want to go see my doctor because im not comfortable talking to him about this, because hell just tell me the same thing. What should I do? I wanted to try weight loss pills but im not sure…

Answer #1

Weight loss pills have side effects, and most of them don’t work the way you’d want them to.

Keep doing your usual work out with an extra emphasis on crunches.

Answer #2

try swimming , jogging , etc , whatever you like to do , and do it daily , and cut back on fatty foods , and drink more water , or go to a gym , good luck !

Answer #3

I advice you to have 3 meals in a day breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don’t eat between these 3 meals if you want to eat then eat fruits. Do an exercise everyday for 1 month then you will see the difference. The most important thing doesn’t think that you can’t do it because you can. I hope you lose your weight.

Answer #4

ok im 5’1 and weigh 135 pounds thats not fat and i have a gut but i also drink ice water every day thats a good way to lose weight but it has to be ice cold

Answer #5

Thank you


Answer #6

Thank you


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