How do you get weed out your system faster?

How do you get weed out your system faster

Answer #1

cranberry juice, water, etc anything healthy that will clean your system. drink a lot. I mean a lot, and piss a lot too. you should be good if you do that every day

Answer #2

pot is another word for weed and if you dontr know that you shouldnt be smoking to begin with as for your question many pharmacies or even stores such as wal-mart or smiths sell detox pills that clean out your system in a few days if you dont want to do that drink a lot of water or sugar free cranberry juice…cranberry pills also sold.

Answer #3

its not pot I said weed

Answer #4

easy. stop smoking pot.

Answer #5

How do you get weed out your system faster

Answer #6

Not much you can do…the THC is stored in your fat cells.

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