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I doubt it. I don’t think the family of the deceased would want that information on the Internet for the world to see.
im not sure but just look up ghost stories in ur town and u might find out.
public records?
Some good ideas here, too: http://www.funadvice.com/q/how_can_i_find_out_if_some_one_or
Our house is 106 years old and we found out that 2 people died in it over the years. You can look at newspaper archives in your town, if you know the names of some of the people that lived there before if they were old you could get a copy of the death certificate and it lists the address where they died. My dad looked up the ownership history of our house and got a copy of the death certificates of 2 of the previous ownwers, one of them died here and one of the wives died here. If your house is an older one then there is a good chance that it had dead bodies in it before. Back in the old days they normally had funerals at home before funeral homes became common. It was also common for the sick and ailing to die at home before they started keeping them in hospitals to die.
go to the local police station to get faster and easy info
Go and speak to any old ladies in the neighborhood. They usually love to have someone who listens and they tend to know a lot.
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