What could this mean?

I am a freshman I and like this guy (dawz) and he is a sophomore, he knew who I was last year when I was still in middle school. When me and why friends talk to him which is very rarely he always has to ask trinity and nikki what their names are and he remember mine. What does this mean? Could he like me or something? Or am I just making something out of nothin?

Answer #1

Well, it is hard to say. He remembers your name and not theirs’…that’s a good sign. There may be something about your name that clicks inside his head and he remembers it (maybe he has a relative or a friend by the same name). To find out if he likes you, look at his body language. Does he position himself so that he’s facing you more than them? Does he make more eye contact with you? Does he touch your arm, hand, or shoulder? Or does he cross his arms and lean away (that could mean he’s not interested) Another way to find out would be to talk to him, when it’s just you and him and your friends aren’t around. Just talk to him, let him know more about you. Find something that the two of you have in common or like to do. If he likes to ride his bike and you like to ride your bike, then tell him “hey we should meet up sometime and ride down to the park…I know a great trail we can take…if you’re up to the challange!!” You know, something like that. That way, you can get his number or give him your’s, and you can possibly hang out and spend more time with him. I hope this helps you out! Good luck!!

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