Answer #1
  1. If making on the stove. Put water in a pan and heat up the water. You can out tea bags in while it is on the stove or after. Once the water boils poor into a cup. Add desiered amount of sugar.
  2. If making in the microwave. Put a cup of water in the microwave on high for about a 1-1.5. Then put the tea bag in the water for a min or so. Then add disired amount of sugar. Hope this helped :)
Answer #2

Can you heat in the microwave instead of on the stove?

Answer #3

Can you heat it in the microwave instead of on the stove?

Answer #4

yes i put that in there. # 2

Answer #5

It depends on how you take your tea; do you like it with milk or without? If you’re microwaving water for tea, put a mug of water in the microwave for about a minute. Then put the tea bag in, and let it sit for a few minutes (I usually let it sit for 5-10 minutes). When you have it to your desired strength, add sugar if you like. At this point a lot of people add milk as well (which does cool it down), but I personally don’t like milk in my tea. Test to see what you like, though.

Enjoy the tea. :)

Answer #6

add some honey too! it’s soooo goood

Answer #7

If you have got a kettle then put some water in and switch it on. Once it turns off then the water is boiling, so pour it into a mug and add a tea bag and sugar. Push down on the teabag with a spoon (this is called ‘mashing’ it), which helps get the flavour out, and leave it for a minute or two. Then take the tea bag out and add milk if you like your tea that way (most people do have milk in theirs).

If you don’t have a kettle then put a bowl of water in the microwave and heat it. Try a minute at first, then check and see if it feels warm by holding your hand just above the water (do not touch it) and then heat it longer if it needs it. Then when hot, pour some into a mug and do the same steps as above, as if you used a kettle to heat the water.

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