Would you vote for a president who would force your first born into the military?

Answer #1

Absolutely not.

Answer #2

I vote yes.

Answer #3


Answer #4

heck yea!

Answer #5

have an older bother you hate?

Answer #6

No, i am the first born, also a son from every generation of my family has served this country as far back as i know, wich is my great great grandfather…and i will continue that tradition of serving this great country

Answer #7

Babies with guns?!?! Preposterous!!! lol j/k I think to be counted as a citizen a person When they turn 20, should serve at least a year (in their individual capacity) in the armed forces/military. Be it a desk job, refueling jets, or pushing the ground front as a grunt… The draft, or selective service registration would become obsolete. Granted of course, that we have a responsible and humanitarian Government to implement such a system. If this were voted into action now, all hell would break loose.

Answer #8


Answer #9

Honestly, no and Never.

Answer #10

I dont think anybody should be forced into anything. Unless we are at war then draftees are forced which is understandable.

Answer #11

serving your nation for good reason is not a bad thing , yes or no depends on presidents attitude if he/she is trying to do something good for the nation then surely i will support them with my vote

Answer #12

I know a lot of people will disagree but I think that every American should do 2 years of some kind of national service. It would usually be military but could be groups that educate or help the elderly or disadvantaged etc. I think that would be good for young people and be a huge force for good.

Answer #13

I think everyone should have to if they want to claim citizenship.

Answer #14


Answer #15

Oooooh my country has that already, in fact I’m serving my military term right now. Waste of time imo, I can contribute to society far better in other ways. I cannot, cannot agree with you on this, at all.

Answer #16

No No No.

Unfortunately over here we already have that - in fact, ALL males have to do 2 years of military service around the time they turn 19 or 20. . 2 years I’m serving my term right now and it feels like a huge waste of time, I can serve society better in other ways. 2 years is a lot of time for a young person, time that can be used so much better in other ways.

Answer #17

Oh yeah, I’ll make sure that the child will be a killing machine so I’ll train the kid

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