Is their a way to make vegetarian meatballs, and if so how?

Answer #1

yeah, use fish instead! :P

Answer #2

any differant ingrediants I wud need to add?

Answer #3

Yes it is possible to make vegetables meatballs. You need mix all the vegetables then mash the protein crumbles. Then make small vegetable balls and bake them in baking pan. You will also need to add eggs, sauces , garlic etc

Answer #4

how about this: Things You’ll Need: 1 package (12 oz.) frozen prebrowned vegetable protein crumbles, thawed. 2 eggs lightly beaten 1/4 cup Italian style dry breadcrumbs 2 cloves minced garlic 2 tbs.grated fat free parmesan cheese 2 tsps. Italian herbs 1/2 tsp. fennel seeds, crushed

Combine all ingredients, mashing protein crumbles lightly with a fork.

2 Form mixture into 24 balls.

3 Bake in baking pan at 350 degrees F until firm, about 10 minutes.

Answer #5

use paxo or..blend vegi sausages to create the mixture use garlic and vegetables to make it have taste

Answer #6

that isn’t vegetarian that’s Pescitarian

Answer #7

????? Wats that?

Answer #8

Ehow ;)

Answer #9

useful site

Answer #10

someone who eats like a vegetarian but also eats fish because they cant remember much. It’s a stupid excuse to eat meat if you ask me

Answer #11

Oh ok thx

Answer #12

Replace the meat with chopped spinach. Same ingridients.

Answer #13

Replace the meat with soy nugget. It is available from any grocery store that carries soy products in general.

Answer #14


Answer #15

I make veggie spaghetti bolognese by using soaked lentils instead of meat.

You can also make lentil burgers, you only have to crush the lentils before soaking them or squeeze them through the passing machine afterwards (to make them stickier). That gives them a ground-meat like consistency. Other than that, use the same stuff you also put in meatballs. Add little more salt and spices than you would use with meat.

Answer #16

There’s so many different sorts of vegetarianism… Some ppl eat eggs and milk products but not meat. Some will eat fish but not meat. Some people refuse to eat vertebrate animals but do eat insects, shellfish and the like. Vegans are the extreme vegetarians. They eat no animal products at all. Some of them don’t even wear animal products (leather belts or shoes for example). And the extremely extreme vegans are the “frugan” eaters who eat only if it doesn’t kill a plant. (Not roots like carrot and potato for example). I don’t know anyone who did that longer than a few months without developing deficiency syndromes, though. they usually return to some form of less fanatic vegetarianism after that.

Answer #17

There are vegetarian meatballs that you can buy in the store, but if you wanna make them homemade a great website to make vegan or vegetarian recipes is yves just google it and pick a product and there will be recipes for it, for meatballs what you would have bought is ground round. I’ve tried a couple recipes and they were fantastic!

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