Why do I have this urge to cheat? Please help?

Answer #1

Well, I guess it’s because you’re not into your boyfriend as much as you thought you were. Or you’re afraid of commitment so you’re telling yourself, quick mess it up!? Im not sure, I’d need more information, i think.


Answer #2

because you have black dark heart………if you have white heart …you never do that….you must clean your heart after that ……….you don’t like cheating .believe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer #3

….or…..you feel more empty than you realize…in need of attention, adulation, admiration…..and being with someone else will give you the allusion that you are getting what you need.

Answer #4

There’s something you want in your relationship that your boyfriend isn’t giving you… Figure out what that is and talk to your boyfriend about it. If you don’t want to fix things with your boyfriend, don’t cheat on him, just break up with him.

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