What happens when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object?

Answer #1

only one way to find out!

Answer #2

i guess if say a planet like earth collided with a star or something that didnt move they would both just explode maybe good question

Answer #3
Answer #4

wow ur a thinker? umm..okay so if Object A collides with Object B, but Object B is immovable and Object A unstoppable, wouldn’t A just smash through B, not necessarily moving it but hitting it so hard that it rips a hole or takes the top off and goes through the other side…. ehh i’m just bored!

Answer #5

actually quite easy, seeing as the immovable objects exerts the exact same force on to the unstoppable object as it does vice versa, the unstoppable object will get squashed :O

unless its invincible too :P

Answer #6

i knew it would explode!

Answer #7

It was atomized/turned to dust…..

Answer #8

not a single atom will move when it’s hit, that’s how immovable it is

Answer #9

yup, non will will stop 4 nothing

Answer #10

and what way is that?

Answer #11

I think something like the big bang will happen

Answer #12

The unstoppable object hits and changes course (bounces in the other direction) therefore not moving object B. Both object A and object B have stayed true to their physics then.

Answer #13

true, thumbs up… what if it wouldn’t shift direction. straight line no rebounding?

Answer #14

object A would hit object B, the object would stop but the energy would be there. it would be like a compressed spring. neither side moving but a huge build up of energy and there it would stay for eternity.

Answer #15

Considering that an unstoppable force would need infinite energy and an immovable object would need infinite mass neither could actually exist.

As a logical/philosophical question it presents some interesting corollaries though. If God is omnipotent can he create something so heavy he can’t lift it? If he can than he isn’t omnipotent but if he can’t he isn’t either.

Answer #16

won’t all the energy just escape…maybe like the big bang theory…spreading energy wide nn far

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